Hi RD,
It's sad isn't it, regardless of how hard you try to ignore it, sooner or later it gets you again. It all began for me when I first flew a glider at 14yo and did my first solo after 8 flights (yeah, I know, not legal) at Forbes.
I started hang gliding in 1975 in Coffs Harbour with a blokes old 17ft Moyes standard. Then when I came to Melbourne to study I joined up with the guys from Wings Hang Gliders and ended up being part of the design process. I flew everywhere we could then, Flinders, Portsea, Eumeralla, Spion Kop, Buffalo (in a standard rogallo with 4 battens per side, in thermic conditions, no 'chute, no radio, no idea), The Paps.
Then came careers and kids. After a while they grew up and I was able to go back to it, and haven't stopped. I still fly all the same places but adding in Mt Emu, Ben Nevis, ground towing and aero towing at Locksley. I just love it!
In the meantime I went into GA, gaining a PPL and flying out of Moorabbin in C172, PA-28, PA-28R, PA-32Rs. When my PPL was up for a BFR I was also in the midst of writing a thesis so it fell by the wayside. It's only now that I have the time, freedom and support of my lovely wife that I can get back to GA.
Along the way I also gained my Weightshift Microlight Licence along the way, training with Steve Ruffels at Porepunkah.
Oh yeah, and then there's the RCs.
Damn, when I read that back it's obvious that I'm a chronic case.