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Everything posted by Skyhog

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong!The aircraft in question has too higher stall speed to be registered as an ultralight,therefore it's not an ultralight.
  2. Sometimes transponders,radios and TCAS can fail(become unservicable).I am not having a go at you,but the main collision aviodance system should be your eyes(even though in IFR you have no responsibility to look outside).As you say,RAAus aircraft are certainly not req'd to be transponder equipped and as far as I know you can fly a GA reg aircraft OCTA without one as well.I can understand that you have to conduct surveys from a certain altitude but if you are skirting the cloudbase and it makes you uncomfortable,maybe you can go home and come back tomorrow when the weather is more suitable.I fly RAA and GA and beleive that everybody has equal rights in the sky and low budget types should not be forced to spend half their aircraft value on add ons such as transponders and ADSBullsht.
  3. VH-JBR Bushby Mustang as shown on ABC news.First registered 1984. They're calling it an ultralight but in the news footage they clearly showed the rego.
  4. Skyhog

    Jury struts

    I was wondering if Tony or anybody else would know where I could get hold of a set of T300/T500 style chrome-moly jury struts.The ones I currently use have 4 individual struts with bolts and brackets onto the lift strut on each side.The ones I would like are welded chrome-moly and are 1 piece(I think).Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.
  5. There ya go then thanks Ian,as I said,it pays to check with Clearprop first.I just looked at the other shop and it is now more expensive than I said anyway.
  6. I've got a Pilot Avionics PA200 2 place minicom in a Thruster and it works great.I think I got it from Downunderpilotshop.It cost under $150 about 3 years ago and runs on a 9v battery which lasts for over 20 hours of flight(unless you forget to turn it off).They definately have special units for icom and vertex radios.For about an extra $50 you can purchase an expansion module to make it 4 place(I don't have this though).Of course you should always check Ians shop before shopping elsewhere.
  7. Hi there Nick.That's a good theory but there will be days when it is raining or too windy or your instructor has some other commitment.I had worked my training out similar to you,but you can pretty much double your estimate to avoid dissappointment.It can be done in the 20 hours easily.
  8. You have all you need with a RAAus ASIC.The student licence takes 2 weeks to process if you already have an ASIC or 6 weeks if you don't.You can start your training without the licence but can't solo until you have it in your hand.
  9. Maybe you should go to-www.footballworldsgame.com/forum/adelaide-united-forum/ I'm not trying to be rude but I didn't log on to talk soccer.
  10. The test you will do has probably been put together by your instructor at Moruya so most of us won't know its contents.My advice is to learn everything in the book,then you can't fail.You still go to school so would find it easy to study.I went from RAAus to PPL at 40 so hadn't studied for over 20yrs,so it was challenging but still possible. I was at Merimbula for a week over Christmas in an old C182 VH-ICU,we went for a couple of local flights while we were there,it's a great place to fly.Are you learning GA in the early model straight tail C150 parked near the maintenance hangar or is there another one there?You don't see a lot of those fastback models any more.
  11. You must get a positive position fix at least every 30 minutes.
  12. I am shocked that he would be that high!
  13. I'm getting about 6 hours in a C182 starting 6am Monday for a week.Will be heading for NSW South Coast.If the WX is good hopefully more than 6 hours will be clocked up.
  14. At least if your boat engine stops your boat won't always sink.If your aircraft engine stops,your aircraft will certainly start to sink!
  15. My wife holds a commercial licence and she aint real flash at maths,good pilot though.
  16. I heard the relevent minister being interviewed on a radio program and he said only regular unleaded would disappear and be replaced by E10.He then said that you would still be able to buy ethanol free petrol in the form of premium unleaded.He compared it to when they stopped producing standard leaded petrol leaving only super.I suppose just because he said these things doesn't mean it's true,after all he is still a politician.
  17. The story is that premium unleaded will still be available without ethanol.It will still cost us more though.Nev has the right idea,don't vote for them(I don't know who keeps voting them in anyway).
  18. Hi Steve.I was just wondering if you have had a flat battery yet?The master switch is on in the first photo.
  19. I know a bloke(not me)that was taxiing an aircraft past a tractor which was slashing the airfield.This pilot decided to give the tractor driver a wave.As he was waving to the tractor driver,his wingtip struck the tractor.That would be pretty embarrassing.
  20. The more it was going up,the more I was flying.I was trying to beat the price rise I suppose.I had always wanted my PPL so I got it ASAP to save money.As it turns out,it has dropped now,so that means I can fly more than expected.The club had resisted raising hire rates with the rising fuel prices.I think their wet hire rates are very reasonable,Foxbat $95/hr,C152 $130/hr,Archer $170/hr,C182 $215/hr.Have a mate that took a C210 away recently at $380/hr,by the time you start up,warm up,run up,taxi you've done 0.2hr costing you $76 before you have gone anywhere...SCARY
  21. Ozzie,last time I renewed my licence (early August) it took a long time to come back.I rang them after about 4 weeks and my licence had expired.They said they would check the mailing list as it had been processed.It was found that somehow it wasn't posted.Anyway,2 days later 2 RAAus envelopes turned up,each with a licence in it,so I went from no licence to having 2 of them.
  22. Put me down for one too Shags!!
  23. Shags I mean where an adults feet would go,the kids legs aren't that long yet.
  24. Motzartmerv,Yes I am sure about those numbers.As I said in my post they are small children at 15 & 24kg.My wife is 50kg and I am 85 so they are the numbers.This will change in future of course and the baggage allowance will decrease.Also you can't just chuck 100kg in the baggage compartment,some needs to go on the floor of the back seat.
  25. Hi ckaine,If you can fly a jab well you'd have no trouble in a 172.The jab is not hard to fly but is different than a lot of RAA aircraft.It may have a lot to do with the instructor.I went from scratch to solo in 5.2hrs in a jab and although it suprised me when the instructor hopped out he obviously thought I was ready.The thing about a 172 is I can take full fuel,my wife and 2 small kids and around 100kg of baggage at 110kts while some of the better jabs may acheive a similar speed you can't take much more than 2 pob and fuel.So as already stated earlier you are probably best to go the jab then change over later.
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