Hi Skydog,4.5hrs is quick for first solo(I thought you needed 5hrs before solo)well done! I started in an old Jab and it took me 5.2hrs to first solo.You seem to have gained your PPL in a hurry at 5hrs too.It took me just over 20hrs inc flight test but some was "ferry" time to YSBK(dual)and YSCB(1dual,1solo),if I had trained in Sydney some of the ferry would be cut but they charge more per hr!
Hi Cloudsuck,I love each and every aircraft and would not rubbish any of them!I have flown Archer,C152,Foxbat,Jabiru and Thruster mainly and have time in a C172 and "Teccie".All these planes have their pros and cons,but I have had a great time in all of them.To an outside GA only pilot looking at your post it would look like you think you have a superior aircraft.You say the C172 flies like a brick with wings,well try putting 4pob your "teccie" and see how a brick with no wings flies!All I am trying to say is "Horses for Courses",they all have their place.I bet you had a better time flying the C172 than going to work.