I have doubts about the check-box style of safety which an SMS can encourage.
In this investigation, everyone with paperwork filed seems to have been accepted by ATSB.
To summarise the ATSB perspective on CASA and RA: RA audits of the FTF have been properly done, but the FTF used ticks rather than a 1-2-3 system, and further scrutiny of the FTF is an accepted safety response from RA.
The emphasis was on planned processes (the audits) been done as planned: the effectiveness or relevance of the process was not considered.
If the FTF had complied with the letter of the RA syllabus paperwork, the FTF would likely have been off the hook, too!
How does that work?
But the diffusion of responsibility for having that obstacle there never is resolved by the report or even identified as a major contributor.
We had an ALA with no real binding effect (guidelines), no real NOTAM capability, and a committee that didn't care enough to place a requested NOTAM, the festival dodging the risks and benefits of having aircraft around, no one responsible, not any of the committees, not CASA .... but the ATSB fluffed off in the wilderness of what paperwork was filed (or not filed).
Checkbox safety doesn't work
PS The Ferris wheel operator seems to have done his best - he did comply with the standards (I went and read one lot, and they have a lot of good stuff about setup and operation, but nothing about placing obstacles in the air - just about making sure they don't fall, and if they do, don't hit anyone on the ground). I note the ATSB doesn't refer to those (non-transportation) standards. I imagine the ferris wheel operator probably wasn't covered by insurance under the circumstances, despite his (or her) honest efforts.