Rossi Valentino is the furry ones name as she loves to ride like her namesake. She has three legs and a titanium hip, attacked by a bad Rottie when 3yo. Fearless but smart, the rottie scored a huge gash in its face.
She was the first to survive such injury and Sydney uni experimented to save her, as her will to live was immense. They had never done such small hip work before.
Her mate Monty also a longhair only passed 6 weeks ago, at the young age of 19 years 4 months. Happy to the end. He loved cats until he was 16 he never met one he couldn't catch, he never hurt them just loved the chase, capture and lick. Also a champion ratter. Once I came home to five dead rats lined up nose to tail in front of the great white god as sacrifices - the fridge. He killed hundreds of big bad rats, never a blood mark on them. Always a fast broken neck, some still standing but dead.
Was always a laugh riding the horse with big goat following and two chihuahua leading. Monty also loved riding, one dog each side in a back pack heads on my shoulders.
They also spent most of their lives as therapy helpers for disability work. Amazing nature and never biters or noisy.
My furr kids