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crazy diamond

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Everything posted by crazy diamond

  1. These aren’t for a KR are they??
  2. You in the wedgetail hangar Ray? Any chance I can swinng past have a chat next week?
  3. Will do thanks Ken, I’ve since learned it was a deceased estate and no builder logs so not sure if that means its a no go now ‍♂️
  4. So according to the current owner there are at best incomplete or bare to non existent build logs available, so based on that my guess is it’s pretty much pointless as CASA wouldn’t approve it. No idea of the glues etc used along the way so just a big old can of worms...
  5. Oh and I will be doing my best to put proper undercarriage on her, Tailwheel of course.
  6. I probably won’t fly with pax too often, have two kids so it’ll save arguments there!
  7. For the amount I’m paying I’ve no issue with it being a standard 2. But am I reading wrong that some on the KRnet pages have added an extra bay essentially giving them the S??
  8. Yes, been trawling through it for the last few hours at CorvairKR’s advice, my next issue is what’s required to take over a project that has been commenced by someone else.
  9. Hi All, Just wanted to see if anyone knows anything about this project that was for sale recently, and anyones experiences with building a KR-2. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F152829296152
  10. Hi Garry do you still have any of this stuff??
  11. Looks amazing Ian, hopefully I can get a better look at it soon! Andrew
  12. Anybody got rough figures on SIDS compliance for mid 1970's model C150's? There are a few floating around in half decent condition for a song, yes SIDS will be an issue but from the few I have seen lately I think the economy is forcing some of these owners more so than the SIDS issue.
  13. Anybody got rough figures on SIDS compliance for mid 1970's model C150's? There are a few floating around in half decent condition for a song, yes SIDS will be an issue but from the few I have seen lately I think the economy is forcing some of these owners more so than the SIDS issue.
  14. Thinking Rick maybe a roadtrip? Got the Oaks, Katoomba, Albion Park, Somersby, Wedderburn, all within a couple of hours of us.
  15. Rick I grew up in the lower mountains, now live about 20 minutes away, know a few good drinking holes and coffee shops out that way. Indeed I was at dbl ristretto in Springwood today and they serve a mean coffee! Pm me if you like always happy to catch up with other aviation crazies.
  16. Could you pm me some details?
  17. Is this still available?
  18. I always tell my shrink I'm real, but then they convince me I'm not, I'm only a figment of my wife's bank account...
  19. Hi Rick, To my knowledge nothing at Wallacia anymore, although I did see some Trikes operating out of a small strip on a property near Kemps Creek a few months back. I live about 10 minutes from Camden now but originally from the Mountains myself, would recommend the Oaks, as far as GA goes the drive to Bathurst might be worthwhile for you. Lots of great cafe's and restaurants in the mountains as well as plenty of other activities up there! Enjoy.
  20. So similar post made to the PPRUNE site this morning by a user calling himself Mcoates, no other news at all, sounding tremendously dodgy to me, it's not April though?
  21. So its a hoax??
  22. Poor bugger.
  23. Any chance we'll be able to use the Forum with Tapatalk?? Almost every other Forum I frequent is on there, and it would be nice to have capability to access it from there when I am on my mobile.
  24. Sounds nasty... maybe lost a spat and it went through the prop?? "Robert Pryor of Long Jetty was an eyewitness to the crash and said he saw "something like a wheelcover" come off the plane. "Next thing it banked to the right and made a weird noise. Within 15 seconds it hit the water and made a noise like a semi crashing," Mr Pryor said."
  25. Saw the news tonight and it was already on the back of a trailer, looked to be a yellow trike. Sad! What upsets me is there seems to be very little in the way of investigation, unlike GA with the ATSB...
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