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crazy diamond

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Everything posted by crazy diamond

  1. I'll never forget watching a Lancair 360 spin in at Bankstown. I remember watching it do circuits and remarking to my mate (a charter pilot on Aerostars at the time) how hot the thing looked and given the chance I'd love to fly one. The next takeoff we heard the engine missing and backfiring etc at a height of about 150"AGL, watched it turn to the right towards Bankstown Grammar School, tighten the turn and quickly spin and pancake in and saw the dust cloud rise up, the thud told us it wasn't going to be good. Not long after that I think another Lancair that was resident at Bankstown had a similar occurrence out Bathurst way (don't think the occupant was killed though?)... Thought about it everytime I took off since, always did a TOSB before those incidents but it seemed to have much deeper relevance afterwards.
  2. Lol too funny, actually I wouldn't mind Bathurst ;-) I just need somewhere to do some instructing on weekends afterwards to make it worthwhile, travelling to Warnervale/Wollongong in the North/South would be fine!
  3. How about in Sydney?
  4. Just found this... http://www.bluemountainsgazette.com.au/news/local/news/general/protect-airstrip-for-emergenices-candidate/2641207.aspx
  5. I think from memory there were repairs being done to the A/C Rod was using (a Jab). Haven't heard anything else, I know the NPWS/RFS/EMS have used the strip in the past for fire fighting operations, last time I was up there (maybe 9 months ago) there was a twin and a couple of other GA aircraft hangared up there. Would be sad if it has been forced to close for good!
  6. As per usual Nev is talking more sense than most, it is my fault, I hijacked thinking it was almost relevant but it may pay for me to start a new thread, thanks Nev :-)
  7. Just wondering what longest distances anyone tends to do in Thurster T500 or X Air Standard?
  8. Saying the vid is private??
  9. What I am curious about and need to read the manual on, is what hours in RAA count towards GA if looking at doing 200HR CPL?
  10. I agree with the rest of the guys so far and Ian you know my thoughts regarding the site name and layout. I commend what you are asking, it's great to look for those areas we can improve, one thing I am interested in - chat room. What use is it getting? Whenever I log in, I can't ever seem to see alot if anybody in there?
  11. Why not develop say for Samsung devices only?
  12. Hi Ian, I have a number of contacts interested in advertising commercial but am still waiting to hear back from you?
  13. Nothing nearly as good as AvPlan or Ozrunways
  14. Hi guys, Am writing this on my new Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, can we create one post where we share Android based apps and another for ios seperately?
  15. spacesailor, you are an anomoly that is for sure, don't think I have ever met anyone who could use diet shakes and still lose weight?? You werent mixing them with full cream milk or anything were you?
  16. Congrats Shafs, though I must admit I used techniques somewhat the opposite, I'd buy something (in my case it was a Jetski) that I was completely unable to use, had it sitting in the garage and kept going until I could use it, I bought it at about 160kg's, used it right till I hit 78kg's. sfgnome glad to hear your son is achieving his goal. I also have done a couple of Triathlons etc, can't say I'm into it that much but it is enjoyable to complete one coming from where I did.
  17. Winsor too true, my joke used to be "well it says '98 percent fat free' I can have 98 times as much as I ordinarily would!" didn't quite work that way though lol
  18. Mate not only rubber but I think the 10 seconds of tastebuds being assaulted by cardboard with seasoning, is far outweighed by the joy of being complimented on how good you're looking the jeans you haven't worn for years, or yes, how well the Drifter is climbing out lol
  19. bacon, I used Celebrity Slim, worked for me well enough, I still remember taking the PA28 up when I was bigger (not even at my biggest) and she definitely struggled! Would be different now, but you also tend to feel so much better after you've dropped the weight, someone once said "how good does that hamburger taste? Better than you're going to feel when you fit into the old clothes in your closet"?
  20. boingk spot on really, energy in vs energy out, simple calculation, we get so wrong! Sugar in itself is a hot topic in weightloss and general health at the moment, there are a lot of camps saying that we're eating way too much of the stuff in its processed form (not in say its natural form found in bananas etc) and that the avg adult today has in their kitchen something like as much sugar as say our great grandparents saw in their lifetime... Personally I haven't been tested but would like to be to see if I am yeast intolerant (celiacs disease), if I eat bread, or quite starchy carb products I often literally bloat out, some people get violently ill. I'd say eat whatever you want, in moderation, move your body and you should be ok!
  21. Apologies mate, looks quite similar :-)
  22. OME, mate only riding up, 1200 kms is far enough :-) Not silly enough to ride home too! It was just that I had more to lose, no more or less important, we each value our own struggles, challenges, goals etc the same I think, you'll be right, pm me and we can have a chat about it, if you're at Mount Annan I ride there every Sunday morning out to old Razorback!
  23. Thanks Dazza, certainly I was massive :-) Certainly made life interesting! But much more interesting now!
  24. Thanks guys, bum is slowly getting there! Lots of Chamois Creme into my knicks and I'm riding about 50-75km a day with a 150-200km ride on a Sunday at the moment, 30kg in about 3 mths is doable compulsion, but unless you have a reason to drop so much weight so soon I wouldn't. PM me if you want to discuss further.
  25. Old man, I've lost 100kg, kept it off and in October will be riding my pushbike from Sydney to Brisbane in the 1200kms for kids to raise money for the Childrens Hospitals, pm me if you want some more info!
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