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crazy diamond

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Everything posted by crazy diamond

  1. Looks like you could land in it i.e. no fence through the middle however the hangars have been cordoned off, that said I noticed a C210 or similar in a hangar the other day so I have no idea, I have a rough feeling it isn't but could be?
  2. Cheers Ian, and that is why YOU run the place not me, cheers mate :-)
  3. Hey guys there was a costing form around somewhere I think for a Jab anyone know where? I cant find the bl00dy thing!
  4. Can;t be that bloody small, the michael kidd property sales website shows a PC12 that's normally based in Belmont on the strip!
  5. Howdy all, Was passing by the Somersby strip, well close to it and noticed for sale signs, is it for sale??? What's the go?
  6. It's not all that "hard" but why do CFIT accidents happen to IFR rated pilots so often? Because they're human, statistics don't lie, the whole 178 seconds to live thing isn't just a ploy to get non rated blokes out of the muck cos it's so much fun being in it, it would be even easier if every airfield in the country and track was at sea level, terrain was non existent and icing was never an issue. It's the old swiss cheese principal, an aeroplane doesn't just decide that in cloud it don't wanna keep flying wings level, factors combine to give the effect, not trusting the instruments (A human factor issue), not knowing where you are (Spatial awareness), not thinking ahead of the aircraft (See previous). On the issue of instrument reliability see an old accident file on a Westwind that went in to Botany Bay in 1985 (ish) think the rego was IWW or something similar, was doing a departure to the south on a moonless night, simulated AH failure, just so happened the captains actual AH DID fail, went inverted and spun in. A Westwind isn't too badly equipped.
  7. Thanks guys, yeah I had my suspicions that it would work along those lines crezzi, reason for Thruster, it's what I can afford and is practical for my purposes. Cheers guys.
  8. 47 views and not a single opinion out there? Come on guys surely someone must know??
  9. I have Australian Aviation magazines dating back to the first copy, I believe in the mid eighties they ran a section on Ultralights, I could search through them for you if you like, interestingly I found a flight-test on a Chinook in one of them!
  10. Hi All, I'm still slowly looking at picking up a Thruster which would be based in/around Sydney somewhere, a few mates have expressed an interest in "renting" it from time to time if I do end up buying it. Just wondering what the legalities are of actually renting out such an aircraft, whether it be to private fliers or schools if possible as I don't know of much other than Jabs etc available for hire, thanks.
  11. I will say my brother went to book in to do a TIF at YHOX, was told weather no good, and he'd be called back, he never got a return call or anything, very poor effort.
  12. Not an RAA aeroplane but wondering what the story is for use of props on an IO320 powered Lancair? Alot of them are using the German made MT props but are there any cheaper alternatives over here? Bolly or Sweetapple or anything like that?
  13. Best bet would be call Ray Clamback.
  14. Mate you fly the Pel-Air ones through rain long enough you could pack your boogie board and surf the thing down the back when they're empty.
  15. Looks very nice, I was in Taree Thursday arvo when the storm hit, one big gully racker that was! Wonder whether the dash 8 was heading anywhere that day...
  16. There was a Hanuman in those colours for sale not long ago, condolences to family and friends of those involved.
  17. When I used to work at Pel-Air, the story was that the Metro's used to have to avoid not just storms but any rain activity as whatever they were burning in fuel, if they went through rain they added the weight back on just as quick, I think I might have suggested taking a bilge pump out of the tinny and trying that on board.
  18. Yenn, read my post carefully and you will note I say "Anytime the fan stops", bit like I use "check three greens" in everything I fly, that way I never forget and it's just good airmanship, that thing that seems to be diminishing these days. But if you take the best of the posts here and put them to practice if you ever have to you'll walk away, it's all very good.
  19. Anytime the fans stop, the first thing I'll do is CFM, Carby Heat, Fuel Pump and Mixture rich, if they don't fix the issue, you're going down and follow what these other blokes have said. Please please please don't every try to turn back to the field without SUFFICIENT height, I watched AOPA President Ron Bertram turn back in the Lancair and go in, not a pretty sight! That said, my old man had a double failure in an Islander at Wilton moons ago and turned back and made it...It was empty and he had about 1200 ft up his sleeve.
  20. Ham, Cheese and Tomato sanger at YARM is tops!
  21. I think WWC is the one owned by the bloke David Brown of David Brown and Co Solicitors?? I know he has one. I remember he was doing a check with a mate of mine a while back and one of the engines gave out around Mt Vic, managed to baby it to BTH. He's a lawyer, should be able to talk his way out of it ;-)
  22. I met some of the C17 crew last night at the Sebel in Windsor and then monitored them departing RIC at 22.30 and 22.50 last one was Bridge 279, nice lady I met in foyer at the Sebel piloting that one. Got RIC 1 departure and cleared Guam via Boysie. It's kinda sad to see em go.
  23. What a shame looks like a nice A36. I'd say tail wind and overloaded on a hot day with a bit of cog issue also. A36's have 300HP they should be ready and willing to fly like crazy.
  24. Anyone know how many accidents there have been at YKAT in the last few years?? I'm not suggesting anything at all I'm just curious that's all. I remember something in the news a few yrs back about a 206 or 172 or maybe both flipping on landing due to severe wind gusts or something similar?
  25. I hope the pilot pulls through and wish the family the best during this surely difficult time.
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