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    Jabiru J230
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  1. Thanks. I think I'll steer clear of the US stuff...it's close enough to our rules, but not close enough in details that can lead to exam errors. Thanks for the ebay tip. Cheers Barry
  2. Hi I have RA-Aus RPC and am doing a PPL. Being a tight a@$e I borrowed some theory books from a mate to pass the RPC exams but gave them back to him afterwards. I'm thinking I should buy some books this time around and am hoping someone in the forum may have some books (like Bob Tait's for example) they would be willing to sell. Any takers? Any suggestions appreciated. Cheers Barry
  3. This plan doesn't seem to come with any data...you pay 5 cents per MB so your $15 gets you 300Mb....doesn't seem like much. I might buy one and do some testing to see what I actually consume while flying (do all my downlaods and prep on wifi)
  4. I'm going through this process right now. Fair bit of paperwork involved and can be difficult to get the complete picture of exactly which docs are required. 5 hours now in a Warrior (most of my RPC flying has been in a Jabiru J230) and finding it reasonably easy to convert. Interaction with ATC is something that I have found chews into brain cycles while learning the new plane. Great fun if you want to have a new challenge beyond the RPC.
  5. Which one? KTI or ACR?
  6. I fuel up first and then do my pre-flight and general preparation before testing the fuel to allow maximum time for any water to settle. I leave the fuel drainer on the left seat so I don't forget to test before start up.....
  7. Can you provide more info on the GPS antenna you say you use with your iPad? Thanks
  8. Thanks Bruce. So, subject to NOTAMS and R421A being in active, weekend should generally be OK for RA-Aus pilots. Excellent.
  9. Handy resource - thanks!
  10. I was flying over Taralga a few months ago with my CFI from The Oaks who knows the area like the back of his hand and when I asked him about it he joked and said "I know it is supposed to be there near the town but I have never seen it...."
  11. 4.1 of the ERSA entry for YSNW, which discusses the need to get a clearance, makes no mention of R421A needing to be active....just that you have to get a clearance to enter or transit. It also mentions a mysterious SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) code being issued as well as the clearance which I assume means you need a transponder which many (most?) RA-Aus registered aircraft don't have. So....has anyone flown through this in an RA-AUS registered plane? Maybe I need to just call them. Cheers Barry
  12. Hi I'm trying to work out if a pilot with RPC can use the GA lane to traverse the Kiama to Ulladulla route through R421A. ERSA says you need to get a clearance from Nowra Delivery (ACD) on 128.35 before entering the space and ideally you should have a flight plan submitted. Does this constitute some form of CTA therefore no RA-AUS? Thanks! Barry
  13. I live in the Inner West in Sydney.....
  14. I'd like to buy a plane but that won't happen any time soon due to resistance on the domestic front, so am left to hire them. My email is to see if I can find someone who might like to hire them with me.......
  15. I have recently completed my cross-country certification and am at around 60 hours time all up, all in Jabirus I want to start building hours and doing longer flights and am looking for someone who might be interested in doing the same and share costs and experiences. I fly out of The Oaks so locations like Wedderburn or Wollongong would work...the idea is to find a like-minded pilot where we can share the navigation and planning tasks and learn from each other as well as get double the time in the air even if only flying half the legs. Anyone interested? Cheers Barry
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