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    Adelaide Hills

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  1. Congrats Well done!!!! Make sure you keep us up to date with your experiences. I hope to start training soon. cheers
  2. Thanks rdarby, Done. cheers
  3. Hello all, Our lad is completing the Bachelor of Applied Science (Civil Aviation) through Uni SA. He is in his second year and is looking at the REX Cadetship. Is there anyone out there currently completing this or has completed it recently? Looking at various threads the verdict looks split as to if this is any good or not. We are thinking it should get him a job in aviation and move him along towards aircraft command down the track (maybe a long way down but he's only 20). Income wise we're not sure but the threads seem to suggest hard work (not a bad thing) but for a small wage. The small wage isn't as good but define small. $45 to $50K for someone starting seems ok to us but if we are being ignorant please send in your thoughts. The danger in such a cadetship seems to be if his medical is lost at some point or if he doesn't make it or drops out as the financial penalty seems significant. We have only just started to look at stuff like this so all thoughts and comments gratefully accepted.
  4. Thanks everyone, I'm feeling a lot more familiar with this all. Back to the books. thanks so much
  5. G'day all, That feedback is excellent. I reckon I want a 912! The comments re the Slepcev Storch sounded interesting. Does anyone have experience with them? thanks everyone
  6. G'day Brett, Will do. Thanks for the recommendation for the folks at YGWA. Very best of luck for the flight test when it comes. cheers
  7. G'day FT, What is a ***** engine? How long does the four strokes last before needing overhaul? I do like the Spacewalker 2 but the open cockpits maybe a minus. thanks
  8. Thanks everyone. That summary looks spot on David, just the direction needed. Great details, thanks Facthunter. FTornado, I'd been told some people register RAA but are only able to fly by themselves because of limits and the flying school I'm looking at has a Jab 230 with only 2 seats so I'm not sure if looking at the list will help absolutely but I expect the common types are probably the better fit for the limits. I've seen a Spacewalker 2 for sale here in SA and that's really nice but I'm not sure it will fit carrying 2. I suppose I'll just contact the seller (trying to hold off talking to sellers as I might get too excited!). thanks all
  9. Hello all, I'm very new to recreational aviation and wondered the pluses and minuses of 2 stroke versus 4 stroke. I would expect two stroke are lighter, more powerful, less economical, messier and more sensitive to tuning and the four stroke heavier, cleaner, more expensive and more economical. As two strokes can be sensitive to tune and the safety aspect is so important I would thing they are run rich to be sure but is that right in practice? I'm getting my head around the RAA aircraft specs and the importance of light weight overall and liked the idea of fours stroke more but if the weight aspect is so important is it worth considering two stroke? All thoughts gratefully accepted. thanks
  10. Thanks Sue and Neil, Buying definitely, my wife wouldn't get in one I built myself, she doesn't think I am that handy! Thanks for the pointers guys, I was a bit lost on the RAA site so your comments made a lot of sense Neil. I'd been told about some planes having problems being RAA registered and only flying with one onboard and flying with half tanks to meet the requirements. I have been looking at the Gazelle and I like the look of it (others are the Lightwing 912 and Slepcev Storch). I had in mind flying only for shortish periods (one hour or so) and later on maybe flying further afield as it seems there are alot more airfields around than I thought and maybe a bit of a trip would be good fun. Flying with my wife would be good and if we can squeeze a little luggage on board would be handy. I'll go and look at some more specs and come back with more dumb questions! Thanks everyone
  11. Hello all, Well I'm looking at all sorts of aircraft and sort of know what I'd like.............Slow is fine, two seats needed, closed cockpit and some character (subjective I know). Needs to be RAA registerable. What do you think? Now for the dumb question: looking at aircraft specs the gross weight is quoted, is this fully fueled and only lacking people? The RAA weight limit is 650kgs all up isn't it? I like the look of the Slepcev Storch, which seems to fit the bill but is the weight thing ok? Also how do tell what are two stroke engines and what are four stroke? I like the idea of four stroke more but expect there is a weight penalty. All thoughts gratefully accepted.
  12. Well done thirsty! Good luck with the solo. Loved your landing story. cheers
  13. Thanks Thirsty, I'm in the Adelaide Hills but get down to Victor regularly so that's why I'm looking at both. I hadn't heard of Rollo's though. I'd heard Aldinga was expensive too. Hope your lessons are going well. cheers
  14. G'day Brett, It's a small world! Best of luck with the exams and flight test and thanks for the YGWA answer. I'll see you around the place for sure. Cheers
  15. Hello all, I'm on my way to fly and hopefully to own a personal aircraft. It is going to take a while but I'll get there. I was wondering, one of the issues would be where to put it once purchased. I thought it maybe something to do now (get a hangar somewhere and rent it out to pay for it or at least most of it). Then when the time comes I'll have my spot. I'm based in the Adelaide Hills and anything within an hour or so will be fine. Any thoughts on cost, opportunities, pros and cons of a bigger hangar versus smaller (maybe less eccentric aviators to deal with but maybe that's a good thing), location, airfield reputation, accessibility, security, demand etc etc. My prelim calcs seem to indicate it's possible to cover costs and have the asset and then there will be no hassle getting a spot later on. Any comments on this topic gratefully accepted. Cheers
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