Once for me - light variable wind, low idle speed set (I knew this, so it's entirely my fault), a little high and slow on late finals, pull the throttle waaaaay back, and MAN did it get quiet! 1,300 metres of runway in front of me, some height to increase my speed (but not enough to swap hands on the stick for a key restart), so I was halfway through thinking "Oh SH*T, what do I do now!", and my instructors voice ran through my head (like Obe Wan Kinobi) "Fly the aeroplane" - so that's what I did. Thanks Terry!
I didn't have the presence of mind to determine if the glide was any different, given that I only had one (VERY achievable) option, and I knew I needed to get the nose DOWN (Thanks again Terry!).
If you've ever been in what is normally a high-noise environment (computer room, manufacturing facility etc.) when it is shut down, you'll know that the quiet is a VERY SPECIAL kind of quiet!