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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Aircraft propellors and Spares will supply all parts for cable manufacture as well as make them for you with release notes aswell.
  2. Call into Clifton which is 60 km south of Toowoomba as they have a good club atmosphere , operate a lot of RAAus aircraft and their instructor is every wanting to fly and show off the district. They have MSO stop over caravan facilities as well. Also they have a big fly in there coming up un the 8th March this year, an event not to be missed. 2020 Fly-in Flyer Colour by Trevor - 12 Feb 2020.doc
  3. I have had both eyes done for cateracts. I could not drive for two days and was back flying in less than a week. Work wise i would suggest taking a week off per eye for safety.
  4. rhysmcc, Marks comments in the Feb or March magazine and the latest in the April magazine has been reflected in Major Millards comments and looks to be a good way forward for the board to be considering. That is some of the forward planning that is required. SAAA appears to have done it well, so why shouldn't we? Starting to move in the right direction - agree that is the way it appears and from what I am seeing and reading will continue forward and ever upward. As mentioned in another thread we have to move forward with discussions with other associations and have those board members who are obstructionalist ( as mentioned) voted out of office. I am sure as mentioned to andyatcoffs by someone, consider your position, family and commitment required before nominating. We do need robust interaction from withing the board members and we want to hear from them what is happening on a regular basis. Andy's posts are very good and I support your nomination, but I cannot vote for you up there in New South Wales. I understand that under the new Executive, board members are seeing changes happening that is very encouraging for us in the long term.
  5. I have personally met Mark a few times and I always found him extremely helpful to all and sundry. I do remember him telling me early in his tenure that he would do his best for RAAus and re-evaluate his position after twelve months. It would appear that this is what has happened now. Feed back from many is that he worked very long hours each day for weeks on end. A task as big as RAAus, as he inherited ,was definately one that would challenge anyone. Mark took it on face value, did a very good job, sorted out a number of serious matters affecting the membership and leaves the job in a very good state in comparison to what he inherited. How many of our members out there would have dedicated themselves to the task in hand like Mark did. I commend him for a job well done. Separated from his family most of the time over these 15 months has also been a drain on him I am sure that has played a role in his resignation from the job. I understand he has now taken a job in Brisbane which is only a little over an hours drive from his home so I wish him well. I agree with nomadpetes comments above.
  6. Don, My Class 2 medical don't cost too much. Going back 4 years ago it was $120 for the doctor and $ 75 fort CASA. Two years ago it was $145 for the doctor and $ 75 for CASA. No problems though, just a standard 1 hour medical.
  7. Very well done and presented. Overall these thoughts indicate a lot of inputs from many members collectively, and includes the reform and constitutional committee. Lets get behind these motions and have them passed. Send in your proxy form to help achieve this. The more proxies obtained the stronger the vote will indicate that you the membership does really care about our association
  8. The only way to go. Save heaps on postage costs and staff costs.
  9. I have had a goiod study of the Constitution and how these amendments fit in to the overall scheme of the changes. These changes, as Andy at Coffs has said, have been discussed with the Constitutional Review and Reform committees , they have made some amendments and points for inclusion which have been effected in these proposals. The proposals have effectively been submitted without any real objection from these committees. Since these two bodies ( now one) have agreed and also made suggestions to these amendments, this is an overarching first change that will ultimately help them in the future for their changes. We hope to see what this committee has for us at the AGM. Changes that they would be proposing will take another 6 to 12 months at least to get passed at a meeting. RAA cannot wait that long for changes that should have been implemented ages ago.
  10. Great to see that Michael Monck (airsick) is running for the board in NSW. I got a magazine today for July with all the board nominations and read all about Michael. He reads like someone who has the knowledge of good governance and drive to make things happen on the Board and keep the other board members honest and on their toes. This is the member we want there. Put in your voting slips and have your say. This year, perhaps more than any other we want you to put your vote in for the new members. We don't need old board members reelected, we need new, very active blood. He has demonstrated previous board experience and his business indicates he is an adviser to big board. This being the case, RAA should be no problem for him to help sort out.
  11. The 5:5 issue was on just one particular issue from what I have read here. It does not man that it will happen again. Also if someone does not vote on a matter, then the figures become un-evan again.
  12. Airsick I agree with your comments 100%
  13. Gnarly Gnu, your comments of "A couple of these even got voted into office some time back and turned out to be duds, they promptly bailed out a few months after the election achieving nothing but wasting everyone's time. Others opinions will differ of course, especially the vocalists! ". From what have seen over a long time in RAA is people putting their hands up to assist the board and or go on the board. Your idea of some getting there then "bailing out" would seem to be a little over the top, especially in one case last year when the President sent a personal email to all board members telling them they had no insurance protection for board members and said he would understand if they resigned. Would you stay there on the board if you business , property and all assets were at risk through mismanagement of the RAA affairs beyond your control. Will you take the can for others mistakes and inabilities to good governance?
  14. Hi Tillmanr, I note your interest at helping in Canberra. I don't know where you live but get onto the new incoming board members and ask them to pass on your details. The July magazine should have a list of the nominated members
  15. Since the CASA safety magazine went ONLY on line, I have not read a new one since. I think we need both options, the one on line so those that want to can, and the other just wait for it in the mail. I basically would never look at Sport Pilot on line, but other avid computer users would. With clubs I know, about 18% of members do not own a computer, and of those that do, only a small percentage read everything on line. Give us both please.
  16. How could anyone work with a dictator that wanted it all his way and no other way. No democracy involved, therefore we had a board of ONE, and all other members could say or do nothing or vote as us members had indicated to them.
  17. Drifter drivers head banging is quite appropriate. Don't know how the odds would run, but I think you will get a lot of ticked sales.
  18. Yes Maj the room would not be big enough for them to stop hitting the walls as they attacked each other
  19. AlfaRomeo, Don't wish that on us. We had one who was reincarniated, we want no more. Yes Ed is still on the board. I thought that he would have quit the board and followed the path of those who went before him over the past few weeks.
  20. I would assume the President resigned as per his ultimatem as he was not getting his own, undemocratic, style of management past sufficient board members
  21. Give the board members a chance to sort out the new Executive. We only had the resignation of the President on Thursday and the secretary Friday, today, so let them get on with the task in hand to sort out our new Executive. As Jim Tatlock said, CASA has been advised, now we need nominations from board members for the positions and then final ratification of those nominations by the board. Lets see what late next week brings us.
  22. Well said pbugg and TK58. We don't want our Association flittered away by someone doing something illegal. Come on board, do something about it now before we are all grounded.
  23. I have been very quiet up here in my burrow, not posting anything. It was great to see the resignation of our North Qld representative and I felt that we might be onto a good thing with the new President in Ed Herring. This was very soon blown out of the water with his latest announcement this last week about the resignation of Myles Brietkrutz and how he had created the position of Safety Officer. Looking through the threads it appears that this should have been done a long time ago but our previous presif=dent did not ensure it was acted upon. Ed has now done this - however he did not get the approval of the board first to create the position and as he says, acted unilaterally. Our President cannot act unilaterally with our money to create whatever positions he feels. Next week it will be x, the following week y and so forth until we are broke. What is the real costing for this position, $100,000 a year, $200,000 a year. In business I would assume the real cost would be about $200,000 per year. We have empowered the executive to approve expenditure up to certain figures. At Queanbeyan the treasurer and board could not tell us what this approval amount was. I have since found out it is in the vacinity of $10,000 and anything over that must have prior board approval, not retrospective approval. To say it was urgent, cods wallop, they board has been dioscussing it for over twelve months and CASA had a presentation to RAA on it in February 2012. Plenty of time. Why not a phone hook up with the board members if it was urgent, any business with good governance does this. No Ed wanted to big note himself and go it alone breaking our Constitution, the rules of our association and bringing the position of President into disrepute. If any board member condones this action, then they too are complicit in the breaches and they also bring RAA into disrepute. Under our Constitution members who bring our Association into disrepute may have to face the members and show cause why their membership should not be terminated. Also to then unilaterally appoint one of their own Executive to the position without board authority userps the authority given to the GM and smack of jobs-for-the boys. Someone said, what about another EGM. It looks like that is how us members will have to resolve it, if the Board members do no make the problem go away post haste by voting to overthrow these decisions. Personally I think the position of Safety Officer is a good idea, but the method of how it was created, the person appointed and the process used STINKS and takes all authority away from current and future board members, as we now have a dictorial style of management in place.
  24. Are you running again for Victoria Jim ? You have been doing a sterling job over the past months and we need Board members like yourself there to help guide and mentor the new board members. .Looks like the Major is running for North Qld. so that will mean we are starting to get some balance onto the Board to support you.
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