I have been very quiet up here in my burrow, not posting anything. It was great to see the resignation of our North Qld representative and I felt that we might be onto a good thing with the new President in Ed Herring.
This was very soon blown out of the water with his latest announcement this last week about the resignation of Myles Brietkrutz and how he had created the position of Safety Officer. Looking through the threads it appears that this should have been done a long time ago but our previous presif=dent did not ensure it was acted upon. Ed has now done this - however he did not get the approval of the board first to create the position and as he says, acted unilaterally. Our President cannot act unilaterally with our money to create whatever positions he feels. Next week it will be x, the following week y and so forth until we are broke. What is the real costing for this position, $100,000 a year, $200,000 a year. In business I would assume the real cost would be about $200,000 per year. We have empowered the executive to approve expenditure up to certain figures. At Queanbeyan the treasurer and board could not tell us what this approval amount was. I have since found out it is in the vacinity of $10,000 and anything over that must have prior board approval, not retrospective approval.
To say it was urgent, cods wallop, they board has been dioscussing it for over twelve months and CASA had a presentation to RAA on it in February 2012. Plenty of time.
Why not a phone hook up with the board members if it was urgent, any business with good governance does this. No Ed wanted to big note himself and go it alone breaking our Constitution, the rules of our association and bringing the position of President into disrepute. If any board member condones this action, then they too are complicit in the breaches and they also bring RAA into disrepute.
Under our Constitution members who bring our Association into disrepute may have to face the members and show cause why their membership should not be terminated.
Also to then unilaterally appoint one of their own Executive to the position without board authority userps the authority given to the GM and smack of jobs-for-the boys.
Someone said, what about another EGM. It looks like that is how us members will have to resolve it, if the Board members do no make the problem go away post haste by voting to overthrow these decisions.
Personally I think the position of Safety Officer is a good idea, but the method of how it was created, the person appointed and the process used STINKS and takes all authority away from current and future board members, as we now have a dictorial style of management in place.