well, some basic thinking exercises should be tried for most people on 1. If you think about it what you'll probably get to is that welfare payments are a saftey net so that the unfortunate (due to circumstance or just age) members of society don't actually need to break into your house and steal your shit in order to live. That gives them time to get back on their feet, or grow old(er) and die. either way, its cheaper than prison.
On 2. there is no reason why 3d printers need to make hollow objects, and its normally only done as either a cost or weight saving measure. Again, if you apply some basic thinking to the issue, you'd realise that the extruders on most 3d printers are capable of extruding hot excrement, instead of just plastic, and that would make a much more appropriate filling for a 3d model of a politition of pretty much any persuasion.
4. well, that is just racist, and to me it also isn't funny. There are plenty of other terrorist groups in the world, and some of them arn't even remotely motivated by religion (FARC would be a reasonable example). Some of the other groups, such as the KKK or the AAI use religion as a motivating factor, however they arn't islamic. It isn't actually muslims that are the issue...
5. just a restatement of one, with "I'm allowed to get welfare, but nobody else is" tacked on, because whoever wrote it in the first place suddenly realised what would happen to them if they had a small at-fault accident, lost their job and got sued. or if they got old. or if their kids can't find a job...
anyway, because this is a humour forum, and I realise that there is no way you'll change your minds:
The night after the Flying Club Christmas Party, I invited a couple of my friends over to ask them what happenned to them last night. They all seemed sure that their experiences were just terrible. So I went up to my friend Bob, and asked him what happenned.
He said, "Last night, I got so drunk that I couldn't even walk straight. When I got home I was so drunk that I blew chunks."
"That is nothing," my friend Todd said. "Last night I was really drunk, and while I was driving home, I got pulled over for D.U.I. Now I am going to have my license suspended."
"That is nothing at all," said my friend Larry. "Last night I was so drunk when I walked in my house that I ended up in the wrong bed. I thought I was sleeping with my wife, but I was actually sleeping with the Nanny. My wife caught me in bed and kicked me out of the house."
Everyone was shocked at that, except for Bob.
He said, "Guys, I don't think you understand. Chunks is my dog!"