I don't know. Its probably bollocks, but the situation itself is not that improbable. I shared a circuit with a IFR flight doing a radar vectored approach and had absolutely no idea what the other plane was going to be doing.
Fortunately we both had working radios and the other pilot was helpful and polite (i keep writing that as pilot) and we were both able to figure out what the other was going to be doing on the conflicting circuit. Now the plane I was in had a working transponder and Radio, and we were both on the right frequency but apart from that you've got the situation the guy described. Not a great danger to either aircraft, but easily described as a near miss.
I could, with no particular stretch or exageration, be described as having no idea about the basics of flying circuits in poor weather conditions (being a fine VFR day it wasn't particularly required). I was, and had been for a while, established in the circuit before the other pilot gave his 10nm inbound call. From his point of view though, I would have been flying against the circuit direction.
The only part of it that really strikes me as as a load of horse manure is the "significant littoral airport". Anybody aware of a significant airport in Queensland that is beneath the high water line? Seems improbable to me. I call bollocks. Or perhaps the need for a dictionary.