The meeting was very well attended, with about 20-25 concerned citizens showing up. These included members of the Canberra Aero Club (thanks guys and gals!), members of the Southern Highlands Aero Club and other Goulburn pilots, and some people from the businesses now operating at Goulburn (having moved from Canberra because of the cost). There was also an ex-council member and a few others I've probably missed (apologies all)
The council had a number of plots of land that they wanted to convert to operational use and for the most part these went without comment. The only two items stirring any intrest from the audience were a car park and a caravan park (both items opposed).
Then (with some trepidation) they got to the airport....
Turns out everybody was at the meeting to speak out against the conversion of the land to operational, and sale of the airport. Every time the gentleman hired to run the meeting asked for further comments, their was a rush of hands in the air and people trying to get to their feet. Pretty much every point we've raised in this forum was covered, along with a few others, such as the origional owners of the airports gift of the land to the federal government and their stipulation that it be used as an airport for everybody who to use it. The bad points of privatisation were also covered, and all the "hidden" benifits such as firefighting/saftey, aerial news coverage.
A number of the councils points for the conversion were also effectively debunked, such as the "lack of community interest" (turns out they are more interested in the airport than the art gallery) and the "lack of strong ties to the community". A number of suggestions along the line of "we can help you make this airport better" were also very well received.
The gentleman running the meeting asked a number of times for any comments for the conversion, but none were forthcoming.
Probably missing a bunch of other things that were covered, but hey. Tim can comment (c:
Anyway the gentleman running the meeting wound it up by concluding that nobody in attendance was for the land being made operational, or for it being sold, and he would cover our concerns in his report to council (which will also be made available for comment).
In the meantime letters to the council opposing the conversion to operational land, and the sale would be much appreciated.
A big thanks to those who voted on the Goulburn post site too, it was enoughto get them to send a reporter along to the meeting, which should also stir the public interest a bit! The excellent % against the sale was also raised to the council.
Thanks for the suggestion grantisaac, thats a great idea.