Dafydd, I have very limited (theoretical or practical) knowledge of flutter, but the little I do know agrees with your excellent explanation. My understanding is that aileron flutter would very quickly lead to in-flight breakup or at the very least parts of your aircraft no longer being present on your aircraft!
Having experienced the strut vibration issue first hand and knowing how it can shake/vibrate the whole plane and now knowing there is a very simple solution, I thought it best to throw it into the pot as it may help others avoid a very worrying situation. (and maybe the root cause of Ian's problem) Incidentally, my AMO who first told me about the strut vibration issue said he had never experienced it in any of his Jabiru's himself. On a later trip to his workshop he showed me his J430 which now had the vibration strips fitted, apparently on a long cross country trip he experienced strut vibration, why it started up? but it gave him a fright and the strips were installed as soon as he got home! never happened again. There are plenty of older Jabi's flying around here without the vibration strips, but for some time now all factory new Jabi's are fitted with the vibration strips. Personally, I would fit them to any Jabiru I owned if only as a precautionary measure.