Conratulation Phil,
That is a bit of a hike from Uralla to Inverell to learn to fly. But I am sure it was worth it.
Where abouts in Inverell were you learning, the private strip on the Eastern outskirts or the main Airport past Gilgia?
Peter. ( former Inverell resident :))
Many Thanks for the heads up - it sounds like it is exactly what I am looking for.
I just ordered my copy so I will see how long it takes .
Thanks, I had been looking at their website without much success.
Does AirNav VFR lock you out if you don't subscribe to the 6 monthly updates?
Apparently they are no longer offering Demos for $20 since they have just released their latest version- Seems a bit Stupid to me that they used to charge for a demo and now won't even supply one all. Talk about a lucky dip.
OK Guys ,
I am enjoying this thread but being a newbie I am a little confused with all the terminology and features of each system so can some one tell me which one will allow me to print of WAC charts and possibly with way points,track with 10 NM increments etc.:;)5:
This is extremely sad news particularly given that this is the second such accident invovling a competent instructor this year.
My sincere condolences to the family and friends of our fellow aviator and best wishes for a speedy and full recovery for our mate in the hospital.
Some of us are here because we no longer make the grade with respect for the medical requirements so it is not always a choice we are able to make.
I brought in a Rotorway Helicopter kit from Texas via Longbeach and Hamilton (Brisbane) a few years back as well a numerous motor vehicles prior to that .
It depends on the volume you are shipping and who you go through. Last time I went through Al Montana in Longbeach and would recommmend his service- if he is still operating.
Are these 2 reports about the same incident?
They seem to be 2 entirely different accounts of the post crash events.
My sincere Condolances to the family - What a tragic and senseless loss.
Welcome to the forum and Congratulations on your new purchase, I am sure you will be very happy with it.
The scenery side of things sounds fantastic - I would imagine it must be interesting trying to identify emergency landing sites in the mountainous regions. Good luck with the exams.
Yes guys I'd have to agree -the thrust acts to propell the AC down the runway/converoy belt and not through the wheels -they simply reduce rolling friction.
Mike ;
Thanks for giving me a starting point- It looks like "The High Strength Toughened Fluoropolymer (HSTF)" might be a better choice since I am basically starting from scratch.
Any Idea where I might contact Michael Coates if he is in my "neck of the woods"?
Student Pilot;
I am building a RW Exec 162F ( 2 seat helicopter ) and have opted to convert it to a Solar T62T-32 Gas Turbine hence all the additional wiring requirements.
Hello all,
Can anyone steer me in the right direction ? I am looking to purchas several different gauges,lengths and colours of Tefzel wire for my turbine application -without having to buy complete rolls or pay and arm and a leg.
WOW what a great effort and an excellent account of your nedeavours in the photo album.
I am looking at trying to mould some windshields as well for my application- unfortunately some a lot larger but I hope I might be able to adopt some of your methodology.
Can you tell me where you sourced the heating elements and Vacuum pump for your set up?
Look forward to seeing the finished product - Having a little experience with fibreglass I really would dread the thought of laying up the fuselage.
Hello everone,
I have only just discovered this gem of a sight but will keep be keeping a close eye on it from now on.;)
Only a newby I am still learning in a Tecnam Golf out of Maryborough Airport while I am about half way through building a Rotorway Helicopter and converting to a turbine system.