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William de Riecroft

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About William de Riecroft

  • Birthday 03/03/1929


  • Location
    Carseldine Qld

William de Riecroft's Achievements

Active member

Active member (2/3)

  1. NEW ADDRESS. 9.Cannich Blvd,Canning Vale.WA.6155.
  2. Thanks for the Birthday greetings.William (fireproof) Just read 'Youngsters' contribution,it sent my mind winging back to 1949 when I took my first positive step into a flying career (I was 20 yoa) The best advice that I can give is, listen to your instructors,do not be afraid to ask questions even if it makes you sound and feel a bit dumb. When the going seems tough do not be put off,nothing worth having in life is easy to acheive. Be clear as to just what your targets are and don't be sidetracked. I wish you the very best Youngster,a life in aviation at any level is great. Safe flying.fireproof
  3. Winsor68 Would you really have us believe that the other operators are in any sense different to Qantas. It is a hard world these days and most, if not all business in any particular field are willing and ready to cut corners. We are learning from the USA that anything goes and customers are just there for the sole purpose of making money Come on, this is not fairyland any more, and conspiracy is part of the game. fireproof
  4. Why? -Fireproof
  5. Hi Spin,Seems that Dave and Boonah are ok. Dave is picking me up on Sunday 23rd to get a spot of flying in at Boonah and a welcome sniff of avgas after too many years of abstinence. Let me say here and now that it is flying folk such as you here on Recreational Flying that give me a reason to carry on,despite my problems (health) over the last few years. A big thank you to you all and to use what I am told is a real Australian salutation. I LOVES YOU ALL!!! Fireproof
  6. Hey,Pud,Have not seen the idiot around for a day or two (thank goodness).Asked about him,reply was "he went to have a look over the edge and just slid off in to space" So it wasn't just me.Very reassuring, I'm not going looking for him either. William
  7. Thanks for the encouragement GDL The only prob's I have are to do with health,plenty of enthusiasm but that does not always equate with safe flying, as an instructor you will be very much aware of that,I'm sure. Regards William.
  8. Hi Guernsey,sorry for the long silence but life has been difficult of late with health problems. I chose you as a friend because prior to WW2 I lived in and off in Jersey and Northern Italy and France,with occasional visits to the UK. WW2 we lived in the Uk and in 1949 I joined the RAF, I was then living in Jersey once again. Loved the Island but wanted to fly, hence my decision to enter under the Direct Entry Aircrew scheme. Trained as Air Sig but later remustered to Nav. After picking up a damaged spine was discharged ,completed my Civil Eng degree and gained my PPL. Offered work in Aus and arrived here in 1974. Wife passed away 2009 now still feeling very lonely having been married for 57 years. Had thoughts about flying again wonder if that is wise after heart surgery in 2006.Needs some thought as last flight 16 years ago finished with a landing whilst experiencing a heart attack.No damage to a/c or passenger but damage to ego was substantial . Happy New Year. William
  9. Thanks Davidh10.. Nice to know that. fireproof
  10. Hi GDL, b-ggered if I know, its 15 years since I last flew in anything other than in a flying bus/coach. By the way,you have just managed to destroy a long held illusion of mine.Are you sure that it's not angels holding it up? Why do you think that my nickname in the RAF was fireproof?.Anyway one day,if it's not too late fireproof will once again be up there looking for those angels. Regards fireproof
  11. see reply to Skidmark re Rockets spaceships and variation wow.I realise that I live in a retirement village ,but but
  12. W F de R fireproof Being an ex Nav I felt that I should explain about Variation (Stupid me). He immediately told me" thats a load ofBULL it's all those rockets and space ships that they keep firing off into outer space,that fellow Newton explained it all its to do with equal and opposite forces,they are the things that push the earth off level. At that point I gave in and agreed,it was easier. I shall avoid him in future
  13. william (fireproof) None at all I'm afraid,never had the opportunity. Apart from my years in the RAF as aircrew I have flown Piper Cherokees and Cessna products, also Airtourer and Shiebe Falk powered glider and Chipimunk. Getting a bit old to add much to that list. Oh, by the way I was not a pilot in the RAF. All the best for 2011
  14. A very happy and safe Christmas to all, and I hope,a wonderful New Year. William de Riecroft
  15. Welcome GDL. Your last three lines prompt the reply "Tell us about it" I have been in Australia since 1974 and I cannot recall a spell of bad weather such as we have been experiencing of late. I live in a retirement village and an old and quirky neighbour has just told me that it is all because the World has tilted on its N/S axis!! perhaps he's right Regards and have a very happy Christmas.William de Riecroft (fireproof)
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