Hi Paul, I am finishing a off sierra and I have found they are straight forward to build and with the build photo's and video as well as the build manual everything is well explained and they are a dream to fly.
I can highly reccomend the Kits and Gary Morgan for support.
Hi David
a mate and I are building a wide body Sierra (same as Gareth's) on the NSW south coast, we are almost finished with only the canopy, painting to go and alterations to
the cowl air intake to suit the UL Power motor (260is 107hp)
Cheers Greg
Hi John,I have the 107hp motor and according to the specs it weighs around 72 kg's. The installation is fairly straightforward and if you talk to Garry M he could work something out,If you and Gareth want some Pic's send a PM with your email address.
Cheers Greg
Lookin good Gareth. I have just put a UL Power 2601s (107hp) in my sierra, the only hassle is changing the fuel line size and adding a return to the tank.
cheers Greg
Hi every one
I am a young bloke of 1956 vintage & have just started learning to fly out of Jaspers Brush flying a Skyfox Gazelle. Last sunday I had my first solo I was nervous but what a buzz.Hopefully light winds this weekend as I have lessons booked this morning & tomorrow
Clears skies Greg