nothing wrong with slow, we just arrived at Ballina, from wollongong, indicating 85 kts all the way at 5100 rpm, and ground speeds varying from 75 to 110 Kts! no higher than 1500 ft... as for approach speeds, anywhere from 60 kts no flap, 45 to 50 kts with 1 stage of flap to 35 with full flap.
as for actual stall speed with full flap, thats a bit harder to define as the position error of the Pitot tube at such high AOA it can read 30ish, usually 27 to 28 in a pretty level stall, but can read 0 kts if the nose is high.
the "step"" comes at about 80 kts, you can cruse at 80 kts with 5100 rpm all day,nose reasonably level, but if you give it a bit more, say to 5300 rpm, then the tail will lift, AOA will decrease and speed will increase to 90 kts, pull power back to 5100 and it will cruise at 85 to 87 at 5100 on the step so to speak. the higher speed at 85 creates more lift than 80, so the wing setlles on a lower AOA, hence the "step"feeling.
and i have seen 3 savannah VG wides in my travels so far, well, since April this year.