well guys... i did it!
took off for goulburn from wollongong at 1200 today. conditions at ywol were lovely... bit of a sea breeze nice and clear and smooth. I overflew the airport and flew over the escarpment and the whole flight from there on in was like being in a washing machine. it was bumpy all the way to goulburn. I managed to keep accurate time (something i thought i would not do properly) and was able to fly map to ground all the way. Whilst i am familiar with the area, being up there all on my own was certainly nerve wracking!
the most difficult thing i found was flying straight and level. a task i find difficult enough while managing maps. but the wind made it almost impossible... so my flight to goulburn was up and down (the video will be proof of that!.. it will be posted in next day or so)
my clearoff checks were all fine and i think my very meticulous planning really helped to steady some of my nerves. i had pretty much every bit of information i needed on my map, and all details highlighted in yellow, which was great as the bumpy ride made it even harder to read the map!
i have to admit that i was relieved to see ywol and landed beautifully with a big woohoo on landing. i hadnt realised how nervous i had been until i was to get out of the aircraft and found that i was shaking quite considerably. it was scary being up there all alone, but it has made me realise i can manage a long trip and that i have learnt more about navigating than i had thought.
next nav will be on a less bumpy day.... im glad i did it but could have done without the bumps!