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Everything posted by flightygirl

  1. hey Alan! thats totally fine by me! Rach
  2. AWESOME news Darky!!! im so happy for you!! Rach
  3. congratulations Gazelle!
  4. Hey Alan! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! hope you had a wonderful day! Rach xx
  5. hey pradeep.... while it may not have been a perfect landing... the fact is you just did you first solo!!! congratulations! and well done for making the decision to go round on the first attempt. we all feel such pressure on our first solo to bring it in well and making the decision to go round and try again is not only the right decision but shows you have developed some great flying skills already. so dont be upset with yourself... be happy! you just did your first solo!!!!!! Rach
  6. watch out Pete... the Savvy will get ya and you'll never want to fly another plane again!! i love my Savvy! Rach
  7. well done Dave! its the highlight of learning to fly in my opinion!! you'll be smiling for some time to come thats for sure! i still do when i think of it. congratulations!!!! Rach
  8. Hi Alan, How about we meet up at the Oaks sometime soon? I would love to show off our savvy and if you like im sure Rob would take you up for a fly. I am working all week (have been on holidays the past 2 weeks.. but back to it tomorrow) so dont have much time until the weekends. Again thankyou so much for the offer of the tie downs. if you are going out to the oaks any weekend coming up let me know and we'll fly out and meet you. (i dont believe in driving anymore... hehehehe) kind regards Rach
  9. hi jab. if you have a true fear of heights and it is going to stop you from getting into an aircraft, then you might want to consider consulting a psychologist who can do some systematic desensitisation with you. basically it would involve exposing you slowly to your fear while at the same time reframing the irrational thinking that is fueling the fear. (yes i am a psychologist). if you are really commited to flying and your fear of heights is stopping you then i recommend you give it a go... its a very effective method of overcoming fear or phobias. Rach
  10. i found the fool proof way to fly whenever you want... find an instructor for a boyfriend.... go halves in a savvy with said instructor / boyfriend.... and fly like crazy! of course... i plan to use up the kids inheritance.... and they have been informed their inheritance may take the form of serious debt by the time im finished.... but they get to have a cool mum who owns and flys a plane! im sure all these responses to your initial question have been so very helpful... not! basically it comes down to money and how much you can earn and put aside for your passion. go for it ... you only live once!
  11. I did warn him thought that the only thing he really need worry about is the chance of becoming hopelessly addicted to the most personal form of recreational aviation. somebody should have warned me about that! i need an FA (flying anonymous)! my instructor says i have a problem. my name is Rachael and im a flyaholic. :big_grin:
  12. i just spotted this thread... and thought i'd way in.... as you are all probably aware by my rapid progression from being unable to land to licence, i am addicted to flying... was the only little girl i knew who said i wanted to be an astronaut. i have always loved aircraft, loved going to airports, watching planes fly overhead, i got my first TIF for my 30th birthday (late starter), then was instantly addicted. started learning to fly in a cessna... but couldnt afford to keep going as i was still at uni. its now 10 years later and i am now lucky enough to be in a position to fly whenever i want, which is all the time. i just love it! my oldest daughter is 17 and she plans to do an aviation degree next year and is looking forward to learning to fly also. so im doing my bit to get more females in! i have another daughter im working on now also... she is 12 and havent been able to convince her yet. if i could change my career path to being a full time pilot and still earn the dollars i would do it in a heart beat. i live eat sleep breath flying right now... and im driving my friends crazy. on the subject of friends and flying.. its the male friends who are keen to go up with me... the female ones either say "no way" or politely say "maybe sometime" . (could be to do with my flying...)i think we are just hard wired differently. Rach
  13. hi planey. we flew out to the oaks on sunday... was a great day. im sure we will be out there again sometime soon so will keep you posted. take care! Rach
  14. well done rescue! it is an awesome feeling that stays with you for quite a while. happy flying! Rach
  15. hi planey... not sure if you got my email yesterday or not... thanks so much for the lovely offer! We are planning to a short flight today and might pop up to the oaks... would love to say hi if youre out there. hope the finger is healing up! Rach
  16. hey darky... im crossing my fingers and toes for fabulous weather and a top notch aircraft for you next weekend! go girl!
  17. thats excellent maddog! congratulations!
  18. hey count me in on that! ive just started nav training and its just a nightmare! im all over the place. it seems like a huge juggling act! i know im early in but any advice is good as far as im concerned.
  19. hey dave, good to hear you've already been up today! not surprising its busy today after the winds have finally died off. im about to head up for a play. going to fly within my 25 nm radius and make sure i am totally familiar with it before i take anyone up. also want to practice radio calls from different points of entry. is sounding pretty busy outside of the hangar here. happy flying Rach
  20. no idea what you're talking about... mind you i think we should start a new thread on here... student quote of the week.. where instructors can post the funny things students say. i can start it off with my question to you while conducting a practiced forced landing... flightygirl - "what happens if we crash?" motzartmerv - "well you dont get your licence". funny stuff.
  21. thanks blackrod! i didnt realise until the other day just how rapid my learning has been! i have been flying so much its seemed like ages..but its been just a couple of months! i can safely say i am addicted to flying... and cant recall what i was doing with my life before i started learning to fly!
  22. hey darky... i was really hoping today that you and i both got our licences together. bummer about the weather down there. mother nature has been very kind to me the past couple of months. it has definitely helped having my own aircraft and the "personal" instructor was an added bonus. as we both own the plane i might have to step aside and actually let him in the command seat for a bit... but it wont be for long.. its nav time next. if i find another flying instructor with his own plane i'll let you know. (or you can go halves with one like i did). :big_grin: hang in there darky... it wont be long... Rach
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