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Everything posted by flightygirl

  1. sure i will... im not finished yet! next its nav training... and i'll be just as obsessed and painful till i get my cross country endorsement!
  2. look out guys and gals... i got my RAAus certificate today! after being put through my paces yesterday during my pre licence check, then practicing some stuff this morning and going through a more rigorous test today i was given the thumbs up! now i really feel like a pilot! its been a very rapid progression for me from having no clue to feeling confident to fly by myself. owning my own aircraft and training up to four hours most weekends has meant that i have been able to fast track my learning and think that has been the most beneficial thing! i have truly become addicted to flying.. just ask anyone who has met me... and especially my instructor... poor bugger. i have become obsessed by weather and the AWIS and have neglected my daughters over the past two and half months... but its all been worth it. (they forgive me as they can now enjoy it with me). thanks everyone for your support on here... its a great exclusive club to belong to. while i know i still have so much more to learn i really feel i have achieved a life long goal today! a big hug and thanks to ultralights, bruce robbins and motzartmerv who have all passed on their valuable wisdom and experience.. especially when i stopped listening to my instructor what an awesome day!
  3. ouch! ultralights can explain the camera mounts... its his go pro hd. send him a pm and ask him about them. it is so great to be able to record my learning with it. love it! glad to hear youre out of hospital. stay away from sharp things! Rach:big_grin:
  4. hi..its a go pro hd. its ultralights camera.. he can shed more light on the mounting. send him a pm. im sure he'd love to tell you about the mounting and camera. it is a great camera and is so cool to capture my learning on it. im not good with the detail regarding the camera. Rach
  5. hey planey! are you ok? sorry to hear you are in hospital... get well soon! ps hope the green colour goes away soon!
  6. hey darky, i know the weather is frustrating. i have had a very good run up here in sydney (wollongong) the past couple of months but i think my luck might be running out..not sure the weather is going to be good enough for my pre licence check tomorrow or test on saturday. i know i am very lucky though being able to fly pretty much when i want. i have put in some major hours the past couple of months. not sick of it yet though! will have to make a nav for victoria sometime. are you near melbourne? not long now darky! two more girls on the loose up there... woohoo! Rach
  7. cant wait to hear more! am so inspired to get the maps back out and get back into planning. so would you say you went at the best time of year? we are still a little flexible with when we leave, so am keen for advice on best time of year to go.
  8. WOW! that is my dream trip! would love to hear more about the planning and where you stayed, how you worked out refueling, what did you carry etc. My partner and i have a Savannah and plan to fly from Sydney to Uluru next year. We are hoping others come along for the trip. What precautions did you take flying in the remote areas? how many hours did you average for each leg? questions questions! the photos look amazing. no doubt the trip of a lifetime! Rach
  9. feeling like a real pilot now!
  10. good on you andy! happy flying!
  11. sounds awesome! i was also flying about today (lets face it...what day am i not flying!) went off to do more area solo work. i need 10 hours solo to be eligible to go for my passenger endorsement when i do my flying test next week. can you believe that after flying about for and hour and a half today i added up my solo time... and it came to 9.9 hours! if only i had stayed up there for a few more minutes! just means i will have to go back up again all by myself.... hmmm... i think i can manage that! really enjoyed flying about today.... was lovely tracking up and down the coast. plenty of traffic up there today also... good practice listening to where everyone is and figuring out how to rejoin the circuit. not so scary any more. just takes concentration. look forward to hearing how you go on tuesday. have fun! Rach
  12. nope and glad i didnt either! was nice to meet you today Cam. next time i will take you up for a fly in the savvy (the real plane). should have my licence by then and pax endorsement. Rach
  13. have now done a few hours area solo... almost up to 10 hours total solo... so the next big thing is nav training. So will put bathurst on the nav list!!! flew to moruya today. did all the navigation for the trip and got us there only 3 minutes behind schedule. not bad for a first go. flew in company with guys from Jaspers Brush on the way back. saw some whales! gotta love flying! Rach
  14. great pics dave! looked like a nice calm day out there! keep up the good work! happy flying!!! Rach
  15. well done pradeep! best feeling ever! did mine a month ago and still smiling over it. happy flying! Rach
  16. thanks motz! going to do more solo circuits and area work over this weekend. cant believe there was a time i thought i would never get the hang of flying. its a doddle! as for the missing scotch... i dont care...thats stuffs yuck. (Rob says its a bottle of Grants and if you find it its yours). Rach
  17. today i finally did my area solo. its been the last final frontier that i have had to overcome... that final hurdle.. and while i was given the ok to go and do my area solo and had done plenty of familiarisation with the training area weeks ago, i just could not bring myself to fly away from the circuit... until today. after doing a couple of crosswind circuits solo i made the decision then and there that if i didnt do it now i never would. so i made my call to depart the circuit on crosswind and just kept on going! i climbed to 3000 feet and once in the training area decided i may as well make the most of it and did some stalls and steep turns. after what felt like ages (but turned out to be about 20 minutes) i began my descent and return to the airport... not hard to find.. keep the ocean on my right. made my calls and joined the circuit on downwind without drama. joining the circuit has been the big fear for me... trying to keep up with where everyone else is and who's doing what... then negotiating my way in amongst all that. turned out i was the only one anywhere and so joined the circuit without having to deal with all of that. so now its just sit the BAK... and do the flying test... almost there! today was the first day i really felt like a pilot. Rach
  18. Savvy Hey Dave... im a total savvy convert now... i love my savvy... and no longer find them ugly. well not mine at least :thumb_up:
  19. So are all the other ra's like this (lightwing, savannah etc)? speaking from a students perspective... who started in a Jab... with a bit of tecnam thrown in for good measure..and now training in a savannah... i found the Jab the hardest to learn in. The savannah almost flies itself and is very stable. a lot less work to do in the savvy...no flaps to put down... unless you want to... and it just seems to want to glide right onto the runway. I found the Jab very hard to fly and ended up with a tendency to over control everything. Having said that... i do plan to get used to flying the Jab again... i think it will be important as i will develop skills that i wouldnt get flying the savannah. still like the savvy better though. sorry Jab people.... she may be ugly... but she flies so much nicer!
  20. hi dave. sounds like perfect circuit weather. i know we have to learn in crosswinds... but its nice to have the luxury of little or no wind just to get a real feel for landing before tackling the crosswinds. im now up to tweeking any minor errors i make... such as putting the nose wheel down too quickly. i am also trying to become more familiar with joining the circuit from outside... its a little tricky sometimes i have found! getting my calls pretty right now... still a few silly errors that make me giggle.... its all good fun. i keep feeling an urge to make my circuit calls like yoda... but others may not find that as funny as me.... turning downwind i am.... touch and go i will... entering and rolling i am... upwind departure it is... sounds funnier when you say it... hehehhe only real thing holding me back from my licence is the area solo! just cant bring myself to fly away by myself! will do it this weekend if weather is good. Rach
  21. hahah of course! good on you dave...sounds like your having a blast up there! Rach
  22. frankly i am horrified at some of the irresponsible comments being made on here about flying an unservicable aircraft. as a new person to the sport i would hope that those with far more experience and skills than me would be making comments that reflect common sense and responsibility. I have sat back reading the comments and have decided enough is enough. As a newbie i ask those of you who are saying it was an ok decision to ask yourselves would you be saying the same thing to a student, or to the family of the deceased pilot who didnt land safely, or to the witnesses of the incident. As far as i am concerned an unservicable aircraft is an unservicable aircraft. its that simple. lets set the standard high rather than low for the students on this forum who look to the more experienced pilots for responsible comment on here.
  23. thanks apparently... i have to keep the nose wheel up a bit longer on landing... picky bloody instructor! heheheehe
  24. thats excellent! great feeling. what till you feel the "Click"! Rach
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