more solo circuits today.... finally!
After some bumpy crosswind circuits with my instructor on board, and some severe loss of confidence, i was beginning to think i would never get back up there on my own. but later in the afternoon the wind finally dropped and so we decided to go up for some more circuits to restore my confidence and get back in the groove.
after three circuits i radioed a full stop and when rob asked if i had had enough i told him no... he was getting out... and thats exactly what happened.
off i went... all by myself.. and this time i was not freaking out or sqealing at myself. instead it felt good... like i'd been doing this for ages. and so i did five wonderful circuits (video of the touch and go's is coming) and only had to stop because the sun went down too far and the light faded too much. bugger.
anyway... my confidence restored, i cant wait to get back out there again tomorrow and have some more solo time. such a great feeling!