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Everything posted by flightygirl

  1. today you would all have been forgiven for thinking i have never sat in an aircraft before in my life! wanted to get out half way through! not my greatest work. but there is always tomorrow!
  2. Thanks BlackRod. i bet those three rules are really good! i'll try the side window tomorrow and let you know. i keep hearing about how one day i'll just "get it".... cant say i can image that at this stage.... maybe by the forth hour of circuits on monday? or is that too ambitious. that will be 7 hours of circuits by then.
  3. well.... im all ready for four hours of circuits this weekend. any words of wisdom in regards to getting the landing would be appreciated. apart from "look to the end of the runway or further"! i get it! i get it! (but my brain wont let my eyes not look at the runway fast approaching me head on.... all in good time.)
  4. hi Steve. yes i agree Rob isnt half bad. he puts up with my terrible radio calls and awful approaches. he is very patient. have you bought that tecnam yet?
  5. funny planedriver! i certainly didnt expect this much attention on here.. but hey... who am i to reject the attention of soooo many pilots! its a girls dream! better watch out ultralights!
  6. wow! well its nice to see you've all got my interests at heart and are hard at work getting my veiwing totals up! well done guys! Re flying dogs aircraft - whilst i am in the market for a light aircraft im just not sure thats quite what im looking for. might be a little hairy for me! Thanks to the girls for the welcome on here... we definitely need more of us!
  7. must be the passion for the Sav! it is a very male dominated place in here... need more girls flying about. have talked to a few .... Go the Girls!
  8. im still learning... so its actually cheaper. hope to buy my own aircraft soon and when i have my licence i will fly from wollongong or wedderburn. hey... didnt you say you fly from wollongong? do you have an aircraft you hangar there? do you know if there is any hangar space down there?
  9. Yep! thats it.
  10. i totally get that tomo! i think i fluked the first one anyway... so have no real idea how i did it! but shhh... dont tell anyone! hahaha
  11. i have no idea... but it must be ok as i do it every weekend. Sydney Jab flying school is based there. im sure someone on here will be able to answer that. all i know is that i just can. :thumb_up:
  12. that wasnt landing Kevin,,, that was bouncing on the runway! awesome!
  13. Hi flyingdog! what do you mean ONLY RAA? i am also ONLY RAA... and thats fine by me! im hoping to keep my aircraft in wollongong... maybe i'll see you in the circuit!:thumb_up:
  14. hey there! not bad for my very first landing without any assistance! what do we all think? do i pass? can i have my licence now?
  15. i would love a J170 but cant afford it. im learning in a J170 now. its all about the cash!
  16. hahaha... i have no doubt! im sure the wine will still be chilled when i get there
  17. i am training with Sydney Jabiru Flying School at Bankstown. Nice and busy for learning!
  18. Hi MArk... im looking for a Savannah with a 912... so hopefully all will be good. i agree that it would be good to support Jab is it is Ozzie... but think the Savannah will be more suitable for plan to fly to Uluru and other remote areas.
  19. Hi all. thanks so much for the warm welcome. Good news! i have decided that the aircraft i want to buy is a Savannah! whilst i think it is boxy and a little ugly, i can appreciate its versatility and hardiness. Also... it is the only one i can afford aside from a Jabiru! Second bit of good news... i did two hours of circuits today and on my second last touch and go landed all by myself!! was an awesome feeling though i think more of a fluke than anything else. i also managed to embarrassingly say wunway won won wight today... im sure tower had a good laugh! so much fun!
  20. Hi Tomo. yep thats me. say hi to your mum for me!
  21. will check one out.. thanks. its all about the aesthetics! bugger the flying capability! i am a girl after all!
  22. good to hear from a fellow flying girl! im still training... up to circuits. but loving every minute!
  23. it is such an interesting shade of orange though!
  24. now im swinging back to the jab. decisions. decisions.
  25. Hi all, just joined up. Learning to fly in a Jabiru 170 and Tecnam when its working. Hoping to buy my own Jabiru, but am slowly being talked into a Savannah. like the idea of being able to land and takeoff just about anywhere. but its not as pretty as a Jab!
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