Thanks for that Glen, Good to hear from you again mate, I know I can get The Kits For the Bings off Burt Floods , But being the careful shopper that I am , I was testing the water with the Forum as to best Prices out there . lol ! I didnt think that Wade / Mahlo , at Orange was still in the business, Maynard . I have been a Customer of his Before, and happy with speed of delivery , But theres been no advertisements that Ive seen In a long time anywhere, not in the Raaus Mag recently, I sent an Email to them and have had no reply. CPS could be a thought If they accnowledge our stronger Dollar and Give you the Discounts , But ofcourse any discount would be swallowed up by the over the top Postage n Handling charges, even for something small enough to fit in an ordinary envelope,, I kno this cos I ordered Alluminium Prop leading Edge Tape, and the Postage was dearer . Thanks Guys , Cheers Lance