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Everything posted by XC-Buzzard

  1. Gday There Gareth, Im also interested in acquiring one of these compasses mate. if you still have that one that is Gareth.
  2. Now that was the day Chris, wasn't it, very nostalgic footage, but you can tell how far back it must have been , cos there's something very prominent missing from the landscape, Coal Mines !! . It looks very different around Scone now days Chris... May all your problems be small ones , Regards Mate , Lance
  3. After you have gone to all that trouble getting it smick, don't forget to ad the razor wire to the wing , that will keep the little varmints of the wing in future , no ! , well just a thought ? lol !!
  4. Indeed , Magnetodrop. and well known for its Rodent like inhabitants , last time I was there. It would be a gr8 overnighter as you said , would be worth looking into . good luck mate.
  5. Hello there Vliegvint, Just remember mate that if you Build a plane , as you have done with your house, don't forget it doesn't need a bathroom okay ? Besides , when flying upside down as we do , things could get a little messy , right !! All the best with with your plans
  6. Ahh! Point of order ,I beg to differ ! Crayonbox. Its not a Sport , its a Vocation !
  7. If he was released at 4,500 ft , then he had ample altitude to make a few sorties back and forth trying to sniff out some lift, before the sink / lift instrument buzzing its head off in a continuous deafening squeal Indicating nothing but Sink for his efforts, would of caught his attention. He should have proximate d himself over the Strip well before dropping below the height of the Ridge. That was his downfall (literally) , But all said and done , once he realized his predicament , as a student, He's done very well under pressure to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear in IMO. As they always said in WW1 , any landing you walk away from is a good landing.
  8. dhowels, Mate I think from memory of only a few years ago CASA have a DVD produced for this purpose, I still have it somewhere I think, but mine was Distributed by Raaus ? Try one of these two , you may get it for Nuffin if your lucky ! Cheers Lance
  9. Thats the spirit Nich , Don't give up its worth it mate.
  10. Well Nich , We all Enjoy immensely Our time in the Hangers all over OZ chin wagging with like minded people and Pilots , Bouncing Ideas off one another and describing past flight experiences, all wile tweaking and performing Maintenance on our Birds, all a prelude to throwing open those Bomb Bay doors and committing Aviation ! Maybe the "War Minister" ,when introduced to this Recreational Pursuit surely will see the merits to both your Lives, and help you convince her altar ego, the "Finance Minister" to part with the Budget and encourage you to follow your Dreams ! Then were woken, to find Of course this all takes place in an alternate Reality, to a different luckier Nich lol !! So if all else Fails Mate just Sneak out , Our Mistresses are more Understanding, They don't judge us ! The only Demands are A little TLC and Fuel and we don't put too much weight on, their ready and willing for a spin and are eager to please . Aaahh ! A perfect PERFECT world NOT . But Hey !! That could be just me ? Best of Luck with it all Nich, Cheers Lance..
  11. Hi Tracktop , I know its been over 12mth since your post, but are u still in the trike hire business ?
  12. I have Used a few Radio coms Combinations, and I've found that you cant beat the Air Magic Com, With the V-Rabbit Antenna For Trikes, Matched with First, the Vertex Radio as this system was Married at an early stage during its Development, But equally with the Icom A22 Radios. Give them some consideration before commiting yourself.
  13. G'Day Glen, Long time Mate. Well the Ridge hasn't Dried Up yet, We Still have five Lakes Visible in the close proximity of Town. Get up to 1500ft , look around to your North and out to the west, and there's Water all around and Beneath you. A set of Pontoons would be very handy now, I could go Fishing more often ! Your old Trike is enjoying its new Life in the Picturesc surroundings of the Coocaron and Hebel Lakes of the Big North West. The Landings at the Ridge can be Challenging at times Cos of its Position on top of the hill, That goes for both strips,so if there's any wind at all from what ever direction, you cop Rotors as it comes up and then over , The best is to drop in and touch down right up at the top, level with the Wind sock, For rwy 10 that is. Once again Mate, sorry I missed your Visit earlier this year.... But N.Z. was very Pretty, and I had the Bonus to do some Gliding while I was over there.. The old skills are not so rusty after all. Regards Lance
  14. Well I'm sorry For all you Guys, Cos North West N.S.W. would have to be the most Consistently Performing Weather wise, For trikes. Were Spoil t in My opinion ! lance
  15. Well all I can say is you guys are very lucky to even have a choice of octane, I do not have 98 here at all so that only leaves Premium unleaded 95 in my Town. The three Fuel stations that are here For some reason have all decided that they wont get it in. Yet from what I can tell , the one truck supplies all three, comes up from Dubbo. No matter how much we ask , they claim nobody uses it anymore.
  16. Will do thanks Maynard...
  17. gr8 Work there Darky ! Congradulations. Hey Whats the PPL set you Back Now days ? Did you do your Raaus Flying Cert First then the PPL ? Cheers Lance
  18. Thanks for that Glen, Good to hear from you again mate, I know I can get The Kits For the Bings off Burt Floods , But being the careful shopper that I am , I was testing the water with the Forum as to best Prices out there . lol ! I didnt think that Wade / Mahlo , at Orange was still in the business, Maynard . I have been a Customer of his Before, and happy with speed of delivery , But theres been no advertisements that Ive seen In a long time anywhere, not in the Raaus Mag recently, I sent an Email to them and have had no reply. CPS could be a thought If they accnowledge our stronger Dollar and Give you the Discounts , But ofcourse any discount would be swallowed up by the over the top Postage n Handling charges, even for something small enough to fit in an ordinary envelope,, I kno this cos I ordered Alluminium Prop leading Edge Tape, and the Postage was dearer . Thanks Guys , Cheers Lance
  19. Talking about the slow demise of our beloved two-strokes, were is the best place a guy can get some Needle Jets, and Jet Needles, For his Bing 54's Anyone ? Anyone ? and not the obvious like Burty Floods Thanks ,, I just want to buy the Parts not the whole engine ! cheers
  20. After Enduring turbulent conditions that knock you around quite a bit, and usually followed up with a rougher, than we'd like landing, Its often the case that our wing tip battons get extra stressed and can be bent out of profile, this can be the cause of one wing slightely lifting and Turning you, needing some countering input to keep a straight heading. Try checking the Batton profile (atleast the last three) on the wing that doesnt lift as much as the other, you will probably find it out considerably. This will need the wing to be colapsed naturally. So take a look at this first before taking further , more drastic action Footy,,, Regards Lance
  21. Thats Funny Scott I crossed over from the Dark side, Gliding and Ga many years ago into the Light of Triking and Ultralights..... And have been able to afford More flying hours and ownership of my own Birds,, Dont stray to far to long ! Regards Lance...
  22. Hi JIMMYTWO, Thats not the first time thats happened over the years and I dare say it wont be the last.... Glad he wasnt hurt,, Alls well that ends well. Drastic way in which to get a Helo ride ! ...
  23. [ATTACH]13246.vB[/ATTACH]It Beats Rowing the Boat, While the Mosquitos eat you alive,,, lol !! I hope I've fIGURED OUT HOW THIS PHOTO ATTACH WORKS,, here goes ! lol !
  24. Hey Guys how do you enter your images onto this site ???? The look here address on startybarts thread doesnt work for the info i need ...
  25. :helmet:Getting Around my Area, Trying to keep my feet dry...
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