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Everything posted by n7k4mike

  1. How are you guys being? I have been busy working, flying every so often in a Pa-28 warrior or 7GCBC CITABRIA and PITS S2A! Cheers!
  2. what flying do you do in the king air
  3. what type of flying do you do in the king air?
  4. Awesome drumkit- what brand is it:thumb_up:
  5. Thanks, if anyone is intrested in drum lessons let me know, and be good to meet more people on discuss all aviaiton. cheers Michael
  6. thanks, you too!
  7. Hi Matt, Im new to the forum. Just wondering I a\want to contact you about your ct4, as I would like to discuss info about the aircraft? What is mobile to contact you? Cheers, Michael:)
  8. I teach a musical instrument: Drums I am a muscian, I also a pilot who wants to join RAAF and likes to play cricket, soccer.:) thanks facthunter
  9. Just to say hi everyone on the forums Iam a pilot who is intrested all facets of Aviation. Hope to hear from you guys in the forums cheers, n7k4 mike
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