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Everything posted by barramundi

  1. nice vid and thanks for sharing
  2. seriously why this shit! can we not keep these forums clean!
  3. okay glad to see I'm not the only one confused about the terms.
  4. I see a lot of reference on various publications to either sport or/and recreational pilots. what is the difference? interested to know your thoughts. Cheers
  5. indeed a very sad read (without being direspectful)! makes me think though, what human factors are involved here. why would the pilot put himself and the lives of others in such a situation considering his unlicensed/no medical and very low time in such an aircraft and no flight plan filed. i wonder what was happening during those rapid decent and claims! RIP
  6. Hey dpok80 best wishes and good to hear you wanting to get back into it!
  7. WOW this was probably one of the more interesting welcoming threads I'v read lol thanks guys/gals! welcome sean... I fly once a month and it helps me a lot in that I get a lot of theory done...maybe too much theory... anyways I wish you well and my only 2 cents for flight simming is tread carefully! how you approach it and use can either be determinate and this is only from MY PERSONAL experience.
  8. seems options are limited in sydney...
  9. It is indeed...that Pic was taken after my first solo, on runway 10.
  10. Hi Nathan, where do you have it hangared?
  11. Thanks for sharing... this was one of the most relaxing videos I have seen... I like the fact that you ask a lot of questions and quite analytical about your flying... is that your plane?
  12. Thanks for sharing... this was one of the most relaxing videos I have seen... I like the fact that you ask a lot of questions and quite analytical about your flying... is that your plane?
  13. shame those citabria's were much cheaper to fly 5 years ago! prices seem to sky rocket! still a very good school, well maintained aircraft! but at the end of the day money talks! I'm happy flying foxbats
  14. shame those citabria's were much cheaper to fly 5 years ago! prices seem to sky rocket! still a very good school, well maintained aircraft! but at the end of the day money talks! I'm happy flying foxbats
  15. looks and sounds very enticing! good to see you are improving your skills.
  16. condolences to the family and regards to the injured person...very sad!
  17. welcome Dom, great vids. and very interesting hobby to have. wish you all the success in your flight training.
  18. welcome... and best regards with your training... I currently fly on average once a month... a very slow process. the upside is i find it gives me plenty of time to do my theory in between. I wish you all the best. maybe you post a pic of your little plane or any other photo would be nice... tc
  19. congrats! a very fine looking aircraft!
  20. Why can't our authorised bodies get involved in something like this? I think it would be good for all. as a newcomer and watching many videos/links on the internet I kinda wish we could have local comps to increase proficiency and safety, promote the sport and build networks.
  21. John your comments have no place in this forum!!! I ask the moderator to please review this thread and delete!!
  22. very nice looking aircraft! drooling. when can i fly one :-p
  23. sounds like some good goals you have set yourself... I wish you all the best.
  24. I would wear it around family...just to rub it in! (they not too fond of aviation/flying) lol
  25. that's a cool looking website...
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