I agree Frank. It should not reflect on us, but the one bad apple in the barrel can taint the reputation of all the others, no matter how competent and safe they are.
I fully believe the RAA should be involved with this, if it is PROVEN the AC is unregistered, or the pilot out of certificate. That means the RAA should have every right to pursue this issue through the courts.
But, let us not forget that we have to respect this thing called natural justice. In Austraya, a man is deemed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. He has that right, and its just one of the things my dad went through hell in WW2 to fight for.
Yes, Ive seen the Border Mail front pages with photos and eye witness reports of the incident, but let us do one thing; allow the RAA to complete their investigation, and disperse the kangaroo court this thread is turning into.
Natural Justice MUST be alowed to prevail.