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Ben Longden

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Everything posted by Ben Longden

  1. Apologies to all concerned as this isnt aviation related, but its put here because Im sort of desperate.. Desperate for an car Air Conditioning mechanic who knows his or her stuff Cars involved are a W124 and W140 MB If you know your way around these two models, or know someone who IS, then PM me. Cars are located in northern victoria.
  2. Saw this today. (sat 7.2.15 on FR24).... Aeroprakt A.22-LS Foxbat 7979 tootling around the Bay.... Now,would this mean he has an ADSB on board? I see a lot of gliders based around Tocumwal on FR24, and surmise they too are fitted with ADSB.. am I right in thinking that?
  3. Coming from behind a news camera, its what the COPS tell us that counts. I've been to plenty of crashes where the cops have said one thing, and the pictures state the bleedin' obvious... BUT the editor will go with what the cops said.... that way, the company will have an escape clause. Then the calls requesting corrections come in....
  4. Having a read of the posts, how does this fit in with the theories that abounded? Perhaps a lesson in distinguishing fact from theory... Kudos to the young man who kept things upright.
  5. Hi All, Ive been out of the loop for a bit, and now coming back. What are the criteria for the RPL? What are the differences between that and an RAA certificate (Costs, distances allowed to fly, etc) Ben
  6. He had an emergency landing and walked away. Bloody good airmanship and brilliant flying skills.... I would be glad to be his passenger any day. Now, tell us, what are the issues with the Lycoming engine, and are they only with a specific batch or affecting only one model of them?
  7. So, have any of the conspiracy theorists found the plane? Guess not. Have any of the conspiracy theorists been actively involved in the search? Guess not. *sigh* Ben
  8. Jen (the photographer) counted at least three major bounces, and a pronounced drift from the runway to the grass on the eastern side. The engine noise did not vary at all in pitch or volume - she said it looked like an attempt at a go around, but there was no positive rate of climb. The AC hit the tyres at the end of the runway, which amputated the undercart, and then he went sideways onto the fence as seen above.
  9. It was going to be a great day for the Tyabb air show - their major biennial event that draws hard core aviation buffs from around the nation to see some of the rarest aircraft in history. Loads of spectators were arriving by air, including the rather beautiful RAA rotary engined biplane that had been seen at Benalla only a few days beforehand. Without pre empting any investigation (THREE Casa inspectors were on hand) this beautiful aircraft has had the engine and undercart amputated following a collision with the fence at the end of the runway. Uber aviation photographer Jen Clark (and student pilot) said she was photographing this plane because it was rather cute, and noticed a series of rough bounces and the AC was heading for the grass. Alas, for some reason, the AC hit the tyres at the end of the runway before meeting the fence. This is the beautiful before pic.... and the sad "During" If there is any good news, it is that the pilot was out of the aircraft and walking around before help arrived. Lets just hope he can get this gorgeous and unique aircraft rebuilt and back into the sky.
  10. Im with Alf.... You did a sterling job under extreme circumstances, and you are both here to tell the tale. Aircraft can be replaced. You and your daughter cannot. Well done on a difficult day, and having to make split second decisions that WORKED. I would fly with you, anyday. Ben
  11. ABC News are reporting two men have been killed in a plane crash in Victoria's northwest. The men were found dead after their plane crashed at Walpeup Lake Road, at Timberoo, west of Oyen. The incident happened at around 8pm local.
  12. Having been away from the forums for a LONG time, can anyone here put in a two paragraph summary of what is going on? 1) why did RAA fail audit? 2) why were new registrations stopped? 3) why the massive staff changes? and the most important; 4) can we legally fly?
  13. When; Sunday 24.8.12, 2pm Shepparton Airfield. What; Cessna JVB with one POB doing T&G. Runway 36. (GA aircraft and pilot) Weather.; Winds from the west to south west at 15 knots, gusting to 21. Thunderstorms and heavy showers, averaging five mins between downpours. Observation; Saw the aircraft take off immediately after a heavy shower. Saw AC do circuit. As I was driving past, lobbed in to strip to watch the crash, er landing. Saw AC doing a great dance in the sky with full rudder to maintain heading in 21 kt wind at close to 90 degrees to the strip. Wings dipping and rising madly. AC managed to land... THEN did T&G and took off again as heavy rain enveloped the field. Repeated excercise in heavy rain with 21kt wind. Questions; Would you go flying in such conditions? Would you undergo training in such conditions? Discuss.
  14. ROFL! Some folks ask me what the gas is. I explain its a special mix of 78%% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, a dash of CO2 and a few other gasses thrown in the mix.. You should see the looks I get when I say its AIR.
  15. Didnt they need 3000m to get airborne?
  16. RA and GA? Mate, there is only one place to go. Shepparton, Victoria. Really social club, and avid flyers, with TWO schools on ground. Gawnes or Secure Air. BOTH are recommended. Both CFI's are brilliant. Easy access, and easily found, and close to accommodation if required. Your choices of planes; Tecnam p92, Cessna 172, Piper Warrior or C 152.
  17. So she came home, and decided to sit around the house. Thats when she realised she was so fat she sat AROUND the house....
  18. I remember my CFI doing a preflight on his Chieftain prior to returning from Cantberra after a day trip. There was a birds nest in one of the engine cowlings.
  19. WOW.... is that confirmed? that is, he is unlicenced, and also the AC unregistered? As in Confirmed, for a fact... not just a wild rumour?
  20. Its actually so you cant hear the really really bad jokes we come up with in theatre... By the way, the anaesthetic agent of choice is Propofol, for what is called "twilight sedation". It has amnesic properties, so you should not remember anything of the procedure. And the gas, well that is plain old air for a colonoscopy... and yes, they do try to suck out the air as they head back out, but a really good fart will usually see you moved from recovery to post surg. With a gastroscopy and colonoscopy (AKA a Double Banger), we dont wipe the scope before 'changing ends'..... we use a new, and clean instrument...
  21. I agree Frank. It should not reflect on us, but the one bad apple in the barrel can taint the reputation of all the others, no matter how competent and safe they are. I fully believe the RAA should be involved with this, if it is PROVEN the AC is unregistered, or the pilot out of certificate. That means the RAA should have every right to pursue this issue through the courts. But, let us not forget that we have to respect this thing called natural justice. In Austraya, a man is deemed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. He has that right, and its just one of the things my dad went through hell in WW2 to fight for. Yes, Ive seen the Border Mail front pages with photos and eye witness reports of the incident, but let us do one thing; allow the RAA to complete their investigation, and disperse the kangaroo court this thread is turning into. Natural Justice MUST be alowed to prevail.
  22. The perfect excuse.... "But yer honour, me instruments said I was 500ft off the deck..." But, The rules do state a MINIMUM of 500ft off the deck, wet or dry.... notwithstanding the glide distance part of over water stuff....and other stuff from our more edjumicated and vocal members. Sadly, the evidence of eyewitnesses is backed up by a series of still photos that prove the aircraft was under control at the time, and engine working just fine.. One word comes to mind when the investigation is over for the pilot; screwed. BUT, if you have a read of the Border Mail eyewitness accounts, there are some seriously and rightfully unhappy campers there at the lake. What I dread is the possibility of political pressure being put on CASA to curb our RAA activities. This incident has the posibility of putting things back by 20 years.
  23. YEP. Air law is part of the syllabus.
  24. As an aside, perhaps we need to keep the thought in the back of our minds, that everywhere we go, there will be someone with a camera ready to record what we do. Especially now, as 99% of the population carry a mobile phone WITH a camera. With police statements, and these photos, things certainly are not looking good for the pilot, or our RAA reputation. I can see the devilish machinations of politicial movement ahead from our detractors...
  25. Junior resident doctor to surgeon.... "Are they the tonsils?"
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