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Everything posted by davebmooney

  1. Cheers all it's on my short list especially @600kg ,do they still have the tail dragger option.
  2. Can't find an Australian dealer any more when doing a Google search, is there still one in Oz.
  3. Cheers for that gives me an idea for comparison now
  4. That's what I was afraid of Cheers
  5. Hi all ,looking for some specs on the drifter mainly is there a max front seat limit, thought I'd read it somewhere once but can't find any reference to it anywhere now. Cheers
  6. Can anyone tell me the ballpark price for the kit in Australia
  7. A great day out
  8. [medio=full]198[/medio]
  9. Idid mine not that long ago and have found that being a low hour pilot,if I leave it more than 4 or 5 weeks ,I need to do some circuits with my instructor to get back in the groove.They're right about the foot work, I folowed my taildrager staight up with my X-country as if they were one ,and upon returning from my first solo nav right on time and feeling pretty pleased with my self and relaxing just that little bit,upon touchdown Ijoined the groundloop club infront of the entire gliding club.
  10. I dropped in for a look just prior to Christmass and was shown around by Sue ,who also offered me a test flight which was gladly accepted.
  11. That's way I'm leaning at the moment, went through the factory acouple of weeks ago,that was interesting ,they only had a 430 available to fly ,that was good though.
  12. I'm still training,currently doing my crosscountry and been looking aruond at the different aircraft available wit the view to buying one in the future, and as I'm a fairly heffty bloke, currently weighing in at 115kg, even at mtow of 600kg + full fuel I'm left with less than 50kg in most aircraft so even an increase to 650-700 kg would allow me to take a pax away for a trip away,assuming that any aircraft with the increased MTOW has similar empty weight to those currently available.
  13. Have you already completed your Passenger Endorsment ?
  14. I did mine in about 26 hrs,did a couple extra hours solo as the instructor wasn't available when I was and the aircraft was.I trained in a Tecnam P92 Super Echo. Dave.
  15. Brilliant conditions in the Senic Rim this afternoon,made gaining my passenger endorsmemt so much more enjoyable.
  16. Me pilot I fly,attempted and passed my lincence test this afternoon, now that's out of the way I can really start to learn stuff.
  17. Did my Prelicence today ,booked for Monday,heres hoping.
  18. Another milestone this afternoon ,1st area solo, conditions around the Senic Rim today were just brilliant.I enjoyed it so much I'm not sure that I did all the ptactice I should have. But hey shoot me:blush:
  19. Good luck with it all Dave, I just did both my Radio & Bak exames on Saturday,and hopefully this week should be starting on forced landings out in the training area. Dave.
  20. Thanks for all the good will,I'm not sure I've landed yet. Dave.
  21. Great news ,first solo this afternoon.
  22. Anyone let me know the cost of factory built Brumby and how the compare to a jab 160 or 230
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