Thursday took commercial flight to Bundaberg to pick up my new (second hand ) plane J160. Met the little fella on the tarmac Thursday night and introduced myself as his new owner and gave him a brief run down of what was expected of him :-) The rules were quite simple as I explained to him all that was required was to be sweet running, fun loving none gas guzzling little plane and we would get along just fine! After looking over my new friend and playing with all his fancy buttons on his fancy glass panel I let him have a good nights sleep ready for our first big adventure together.
Awoke Friday morning to calm skies and hoped that my new friend had slept better than me, I must have been a bit excited :-). Got my forecasts etc @ 4.30am and updated flight plane and walked to the airport to see how 24-7019 had slept. Upon arrival I found him raring to go so gave him a good check over and headed to the fuel bowser to fill him up.
One final check of fuel etc and we took to the skies at 6.22am for the 304nm trip to Moree, Nice smooth conditions cruising at 2500 and getting about 110kts with nice tail wind.
Climbed to 4500 over the ranges and some low scattered cloud still maintaining about 110kts with visibility reduced by what looked like smoke haze. Landed in Moree at 9.22am and refueled the tanks and then went and emptied mine and got the cockpit re organised.
Departed Moree for the 170nm trip down to Warren climbing to 4500ft again as we headed over the Piliga scrub and back to about 90 kts as we found a head wind for what would be the rest of the trip home. Started to get a few bumps after Moree as the plains started to heat up but nothing to bad and cruised down to Warren arriving at about 12.00pm for another bladder relief stop and stretch of the legs.
After giving 7019 a pat of encouragement to keep up the good work we departed for the 118nm leg to Lake Cargelligo, with bladder feeling fine at that stage decided to over fly and continue the 107nm to Hay. With the benefit of hind site a stop would have been good as the bladder was we and truly full by Hay :-( Coming into Hay I started to get a low oil pressure alarm on the Dynon which woke me up and took my mind off the full bladder problem that was for sure. Landed in Hay and check had a good look over and could see nothing wrong, trying to check oil I could not get the dip stick to undo due to it being a bit cramped for my hand in the oil inspection lid and the cap being a bit tight due to it being hot. Decided to remove cowl and have a good look just to be sure anyhow and checked oil to find it slightly down so added oil to bring up to the right level.
Departed Hay for the final 80nm leg home to Swan Hill after checking oil pressure alarm was all good and flew the final leg home with no problems. My home being on the flight path in I gave the mandatory fly over to let the kids know dad was back at continued to the airport.
Giving a 3 mile final call for a straight in approach for 22 and lined up to see about 25 planes on the ground for the Antiquers' Spring Flyin I thought shit I hope they are not all watching :-), proceeded to produce a pretty fair landing and me and my new best mate were home.
All in all we spent 10 hours together for the day and had a great flight, could not have asked for better conditions really for the distance traveled.
Here is the GPS data
1,479.5 km
Minimum Latitude:
35°22'30.37" S
Maximum Latitude:
24°53'31.48" S
Minimum Longitude:
143°32'26.78" E
Maximum Longitude:
152°20'10.25" E
Average Speed:
92.7 knots
Minimum Speed:
43.5 knots
Maximum Speed:
117.7 knots
Average Altitude:
3,343 ft
Minimum Altitude:
7.9 ft
Maximum Altitude:
4,773 ft
It was a long and tiring day but a lot of fun as well