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About Aero28

  • Birthday 11/12/1959


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  1. Hiya Marty, Have you done a weight and balance yet? If so could you share the weights, I would like to know if my RO 700 project is in the ballpark.
  2. That magazine is aimed at the top end of town, they have forgotten about entry level ultralights, or is no one flying a single seat plane anymore?
  3. Use automotive acrylic laquer thinners
  4. Ive been told that up is ON because in an emergency it is is easier to swipe down to turn everything off than to swipe up.
  5. It is time consuming to get both wings square to the fuselage center line, lot of measuring and I put a drone up and took photo's.that worked 🙂
  6. I was wondering how you were progressing Marty, we are about at the same stage I reckon
  7. Time to fit the wings and tail to do a weight and balance to see how its going.
  8. Thanks for the info Phillip, I have a muffler like that on my yellow plane, have a look at this video
  9. It's 16mm ally KG, might weigh 3 to 4 kgs
  10. Yeah, good Nev, I'll go and see what the stainless people have, 1.2mm wall would be good
  11. I started building this plane about 6 years ago. I always thought the Zenair 701 was a good ultralight so I drew my interpretation of it and have started back into it. I had the EA81 in the yellow plane in my member pic but changed that out with a 2000 hour 912 . I had already mounted an old EA81 in this plane so it made sense to bolt the good one in. I'm trying to lighten the 81 as much as I can, lots of lightening holes, a small permanent magnet alternator, i'm thinking of 400mm of steel exhaust from the heads and then into aluminium to the muffler, any thoughts on that?
  12. I like that the magazine is still with us but as I am a builder there's not much in it for me. Tech articals are what I crave and totally sick of the safety rant. It must cost a fortune to print on the heavy weight paper, could it not be done like the American Kitplanes mag, smaller in physical size(not so much white space around photo's and text blocks) and printed on lightweight paper. It doesn't have to look like a Vogue mag does it?
  13. This is how I do it ,I haven't flown behind one yet but this is an easy way to carve them.
  14. Oops, yeah "C" Gearbox
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