Here is a couple I have made out of Tas Oak or Victorian Ash. The one with the cracks in it was on a belt drive Suby and didn't leave the ground , just taxiing, too thin near the root , (hub) and is two separate blades. The other one was for a 440 Kawasaki belt drive but I never got around to using it. These are both three laminations. I have since made one for a 503 from Celery Top pine which is a lot lighter and would think Hoop Pine would be a close alternative. To make these I use a n electric planer for roughing them out and a automotive buff with a 24 grit 8" disc to get the final shape. these buffs spin at slow speed so you don't remove a lot in a few passes. It is used in a buffing motion not a grinding action. I cut the plan shape first on a cnc machine then glue together with epoxy, thats my take on it so.....yes have a go, its very satisfying to see your handy work at the end.
Cheers Paul.