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Everything posted by Russ

  1. will brumby do others ????.... 2ndly....ballpark price ???
  2. not in this life time......
  3. this is mine...........
  4. communication...communication............makes things easier for all parties.
  5. communication...communication............makes things easier for all parties.
  6. "moreys"...........UCL........no sticking, no carbon, no rings jamming..........love it
  7. "moreys"...........UCL........no sticking, no carbon, no rings jamming..........love it
  8. Nothing does "circuits" like a gyro. And.......doesn't that pee some folks off. ( finals.......what finals )..just slide her in over the windsock. ( making sure, all's clear )
  9. Nothing does "circuits" like a gyro. And.......doesn't that pee some folks off. ( finals.......what finals )..just slide her in over the windsock. ( making sure, all's clear )
  10. i've recently sold this........ now i've seen the cavalon.............100L usable, cruise 75, Rotax 912/914........( looks like the kids inheritance is going to take another hit )
  11. i've recently sold this........[ATTACH]37354[/ATTACH] now i've seen the cavalon.............100L usable, cruise 75, Rotax 912/914........( looks like the kids inheritance is going to take another hit )
  12. oval........(square in me high wing, blanks vision, find i need to up the wing to take a peek)
  13. oval........(square in me high wing, blanks vision, find i need to up the wing to take a peek)
  14. is this hot........or HOT[ATTACH]37353[/ATTACH]
  15. Thank you....nice read. there are now.......some brilliant machines getting released. Even night IFR rated. Gyros are now, really showing impressive credentials, ( going are those "dark days" ) "Professional" training, is bearing great pilots, ( the cowboy pilots are getting less and less ) ASRA.......has a lot to be proud of........well done.
  16. Thank you....nice read. there are now.......some brilliant machines getting released. Even night IFR rated. Gyros are now, really showing impressive credentials, ( going are those "dark days" ) "Professional" training, is bearing great pilots, ( the cowboy pilots are getting less and less ) ASRA.......has a lot to be proud of........well done.
  17. Ornis......ol chum, me....and a whole lot of other jab owners, fly all over this country. Guess what.......99.6% of the time, the only other rec flyer we bump into is ......another JAB.............that's right...99.6%.............so shove your...( edited ) Service them right, fly em right............they just purr. And that's another fact. ( geez......i've said all this before...as others have ) Ok....back to you......what machine do you yourself putt about in. ( curious ) russ
  18. Ornis......ol chum, me....and a whole lot of other jab owners, fly all over this country. Guess what.......99.6% of the time, the only other rec flyer we bump into is ......another JAB.............that's right...99.6%.............so shove your...( edited ) Service them right, fly em right............they just purr. And that's another fact. ( geez......i've said all this before...as others have ) Ok....back to you......what machine do you yourself putt about in. ( curious ) russ
  19. we recently joined he flood of folks ( according to telstra shop ) to ditch the landline at home, and mobile only now.
  20. http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-08/12/gyrocopter-norman-surplus-world-record-flight
  21. pommy chap, soloed around the globe, 2 seater tandem gyro. Now.......that's what i call "a trip " will chase up the "link"
  22. thanks hic ( headincloud).......that's exactly what i'm chasing.......shoving throttle to idle, and gliding at idle
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