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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Onya andy........stuff up "my" wonderful aviation moment. ( may you have headwinds from this day forth )
  2. Mth or 2 back, me n her heading off somewhere, IAS 97........GPS ground speed 134kts...........i was beeming so hard, me face hurt.
  3. one time i was putting along, noticed my fuel burn was noticeably higher than norm.. ( cruise is around 15LPH )but this time the burn was much more, i realised my aux fuel pump was still on, ( i turn pump on to prime carby bowl etc, then turn it off, but forgot this time to turn it off ) fuel burn immediately returned to 15 when i turned the pump off.
  4. Old chinese proverb........it's better to be down here, and wishing you were up there.....rather than up there, and wishing you was down here. get some hrs up........then re engage instructor to skill you up with side slipping and serious Xwind landing teckneeks ( wrong spelling )
  5. After market.......outcome ??? ( yet to hear ).......poss prob tho, it was purchased some time ago at beginning of build.
  6. Forgot............another flyer recently fitted a brand spanker 3.3 engine, first real flight all's good, then oil spewing up windscreen, along side windows etc........shyte, managed a landing, engine now stuffed. Problem traced to oil hose to cooler split open near barb. Hoses supplied with cooler, cooler yank, hoses CHINESE stamped on them. $10 hose, costs $$$$$ engine rebuild.
  7. Was lead to believe that wet wing jabs flew fine, if one tank ran dry...............ol mate recently proved that wrong, fan stopped, RH tank guage showed zero, LH tank guage showed 1/3rd. Had plenty of height, knew he did have fuel, so spiralled right to transfer fuel across, hit the go button, all's good. So there you go...............( fly level on those long legs, or beware )
  8. it's times like this ( weather ) you accumulate brownie points at home, and when that blue stuff arrives...........your gawn. ( mind you, plan B......moan and groan, get under her skin, invade her space etc, she'll be glad to see the back of you ) Both plans work for me.......
  9. VW.............strip it down during your smoko break........
  10. What ever you buy, and when that urge to go serious miles becomes you, the one standout example of others inflicted with the same desire to travel.......is a jabiru. 99.3% of our encounters are jabs. Comfy / safe / 100+ kts / fuel mizers..( 4 cyl, 100kts...15LPH ) Service them right, control temps.........that's about it. ( 3 about to embark from my way, NQ,.....to top NT areas, and return ).....all jabs.
  11. i understand the legal option to install a rotax into a 24 reg jab has also been closed. I may be corrected here.
  12. Me too............i'm watching here all sorts of figures / allegations / inuendoes / he said / she said.......it just goes on and on. The sledge hammer was to pain jab bundy, we, owners, were just sandflys in this mix. What has surprised me tho.......is the lack of "fire" from bundy publically, it's been really weak.
  13. Let's get the whole thing straight.............it's pure unadulterated "personal" ..... Rod......rubs folks ( some folks ).......stubborn, touchy, arrogant, to name a few. He had a dream, jab was born, it's grown to be a world leader for sure, ( just check the numbers ) Here we have casa, probably numerous times dialogued with jab over the yrs, and i bet it caused tensions. So we have departing casa official throwing a had grenade as he departs office.........the rest is history. just my view.........
  14. Oops.........was about to say, "it's rumours" then these email quotes popped up
  15. would it have anything to do with yrs and yrs of certain board members, mismanaging, deceipt, nepatism, christ i could go on........so good folks / members just had a gutfull, and voted with their feet, and pay their yearly dues as required. My money is on this scinareo..
  16. I'de be using one or the other, singularly they both have runs on the board, mix em........who knows. The " marine" oil sounds interesting ....will have to get onto me mate and ask.
  17. it's only a matter of when................FORD......holden recovery vehicles.
  18. Bull ol son.........issues / topic, that's ok. But mate.........not attack the man "personally". You won't get brownie points.......from any here.
  19. forward.......aft i heard somewhere ???.....that the axle centre was more aft on the 4 seaters. ( more weight there, extra 2 persons etc ) this may be incorrect, i don't know. Hence this question..........just what is the differences between the 2 models.
  20. Ok.....zulu for all "controlled" areas, no problems there ( locals and internationals meeting )........but 97.8% of us, only putt putt out of that zone, so why zulu. ( 10hr + - ) know all that......can't see the need tho. Camerons corner.........i'm not driven to lap around there, to engage in 2 or more time zones.......there's only 1, Qld time.
  21. petro guy here, ( forum ) recommends castrol activ 2T. He's jab flyer as well.
  22. mixing 2 stroke oil into avgas / mogas would have to increase rust protection in the short term . ( 20...30ml oil, per 20L fuel ) Many craft parked up for some weeks at a time, some based coastal areas.
  23. i'm no turkey..........galah....maybe:cheezy grin:
  24. tossing in a curved ball here............why zulu time, here in oz. We all know local times, and adjust easily when needed, ( even our 24hr format is easy ) so why make it harder for this ol coot, by zulu stuff.......i've got enough on my plate poking along here n there, without zulu.
  25. just what is the difference between the 2, 230 can be Raa, mtow around 600kg, or GA, mtow around 700+ kg,( 4 seater ) .......is there a design / structural difference between the 2. I did hear the 4 seater had a "repositioned" forward aft of the main legs, ???, so.......just whats's the differences. Serious question guys. R
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