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Everything posted by Russ

  1. bull......ol mate, i'm getting the feeling you are an unhappy soul, lot of agro running around in there. "Rules" etc, way back when, near on strangled us, but hey, you can fly this entire continent now, generally sensible rulings, in a plastic fantastic, or rag and tube......so why the grype. You and others that do your own thing ( illegally by the way ).....only aide the negative brigade re ultralites. We all get tarnished in a way. Rules are rules, hate em or love em, they're there, without rules.......now that's a worry. just sayin.........
  2. oscar.......you tossar:cheezy grin:
  3. Vev.....poster here, shoot him a mail, he's got the answers.
  4. The "Goings on" in some national parks, is ( can't think of the right word )..........eg, i know of several, where some staff earn a great side job, shooting feral pigs in particular, storing the carcasses in fridge boxes, then SOLD, and pocketing the money. "Parks" pay the electricity usage also. So..........Mr parks employee, get's his salary, but spends ??? time chasing pigs, in employer time getting payed, also runs around out of employer time, doing same thing...... Not a bad lurk. You / me, can't get within cooee, of accessing same areas ( national parks etc, being breeding grounds for all sorts of feral animals ), i'm not advocating open slather in parks, but open it up for credentialed shooters. Same goes for areas of parks, that are put off limits to you/me, but parks invite their own "friends" ( allow ) them unfetted access.....access to fishing spots etc, by tracks etc. We get about, the proliferation of " closed, no entry, etc etc " signs, is gob smacking. They are hell bent on shutting these places off. The "in your face" signage etc, leaves one with the feeling of " hate it, hate it" i'll give all parks etc a big miss. And..........that's their agenda. Kakadu NT, case in point, for yrs it's been tabbed Kakadon't. From time to time, headlines read, visitor numbers are less and less.........why..........."parks" heads in sand, just don't get it. Ayres Rock.........oops sorry...Ularu, christ, the garbage going on there, it'll be closed one day.......mark my words. Had me rant......... R
  5. Yea......all true, but isn't it the same your way, minus the " Palmer factor" or are we QUEENSLANDERS unique. ( PS.......might have me 160 sold, stay tuned )
  6. Listen ear u 2, this tred iz serryis, u maikin snyde rimarcs iz divertin good facts, u wana b carefool ear...........sod ooff.
  7. Spoze you ex changed "yarns" with ex prezy Nixon too,
  8. "Mothers milk".............maaate, you is definately coonfused.........2nd to none, the right to that claim is Dramburie, poured over ice, any smoother than that is fanciful, bordering on delusional . cheers.........
  9. You idiot..
  10. Grandy....Gandy, ol son, I'm paranoid now about them critters, you're sure as he'll not helping.
  11. Laphroig.........is that a licker. ( probably some cask wine ) .....I'll crack an ol "Grange" ....bugger the expensive stuff.
  12. Death..........
  13. Numerous times have searched.......and not located the wind sock, made a judgment, landed, bugger me.........there's the damn sock, right there. Grrrrrr
  14. Amen to that. ( i'm with you on this one brother )
  15. i'm learning here.......great stuff.
  16. moons ago, up in the territory, camped at some river spot, overseas traveller asked......how far do you run before a croc stops chasing you.......i replied....run straight at it, tourist pondered for a minute, then said....run at it, why,........ maaate i says, do you want to be ripped limb by limb, or get it over real quick....run at it, and dive into it's open jaws.
  17. Maate....saw the movie "jaws" 25 yrs ago........i'm still getting over it.
  18. it's what's in the water i don't like......survive the ditching, but end up fodder for some critter.
  19. I've sorted my prob, have to press "control and command" together with A or C or V ....now works great, bewdy
  20. Ok......followed the "resources" option, onto naips,got area briefing............then it stalled, proceeding wasn't happing..???
  21. would someone mind breaking down for this ol coot, what each line is telling me. R COOKTOWN (YCKN) TAF AMD YCKN 132044Z 1320/1408 12012KT 9999 SHOWERS OF LIGHT RAIN SCT020 BKN035 INTER 1320/1408 3000 SHOWERS OF MODERATE RAIN BKN018 RMK T 23 25 25 26 Q 1013 1015 1014 1012 SPECI YCKN 140000Z AUTO 13011KT 9999 // SCT014 BKN021 OVC037 24/22 Q1015 RMK RF00.0/000.2
  22. YNTN as an example.......( click onto normanton, then fuelling window opens to following ) top line reads .......bowser....truck....truck+bowser next line reads .....avgas...avtur...mogas........................( you can select only one type ) so you're saying "post" 2 independent posts, 1 for avgas, 1 for avtur. ??.... (why not.....avgas...avtur....both.) next line reads .....name of fuel source ( eg...shell or BP ) next line reads....latest price next line reads....SAVE that's it............where is the "notes" section, for payments etc etc R
  23. Problem......adding fuelling info needs modifying.....eg Some sites have both fuels, avgas and avtur, but currently you cannot include both types in our posting. ( it's one or the other ) Unable to post what payment method is required. ( important info ) More to come.. R
  24. actually emailed you guys mth or 2 ago........yet to receive a reply. R
  25. Rowan........how do we edit / delete "public notes" .......( those that are self entered )......but no longer accurate
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