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Everything posted by Russ

  1. So........with these Bing compensating carbs, alls good at alt, ?? and fuel burn ( at cruise ) is less........( carbs doing their thing ). From memory, i THINK...... i read in the POH, that over 5000 was "untested"..........i think. The "tinkering bit".........nar...won't go there. R
  2. Now.....I am confused, Old KOR, Says mobs more fuel, Nev, mentions " leaning out" for higher alts.....that infers less fuel burn, yes/no ?? ( I need another rum to ponder all this )
  3. Off topic.....but, Jabs carby's......at higher alts, 8.....9000, does your fuel burn maintain, or do you use more fuel...??? Just curious..
  4. Well then....why are some folks installing these iridium plugs ( I'm one ) Why I did i,......folks were saying how good they were. So........what's good about these plugs, or should we keep using the orig plugs. I've been running these iridiums for the last 60+ hrs! all's good. Somewhere way back here, someone said the ol jab factory guru, recommended the iridiums....I think ?? Christ.......now I'm worrying.
  5. How do you know if your coils are suited ?? R
  6. according to ngk, there's only one ........DR9EIX............equiv to D9EA. ( somebody here mentioned don't regap them......straight out of the box ) R
  7. became aware of a "mod" recently......cut a 50mm hole directly in front of the oil filter cartridge ( cowl ).....allows direct air blast onto filter.......aides cooling oil just sayin R
  8. guys............if the noise goes quiet, then it's going to be vne +, into that abiss, be damned if i'm bobbin about...........slowly freezing to death, and having limbs ripped off by them white pointers every where, get it over and done with. ( same mindset if doc says......bad news russ ) flame me......don't give a rats. ( all discussed, and an understanding entered into ) Now, sort of off topic...... We put our much loved pets down, when their life is the pitts, we do that with genuine love, hurts like hell, it's openly acceptable. You/me......have to ( by law ) endure the journey of wasting, to be released from this world.........crazy. Yes, i'm a firm believer in my right for voluntary uthanasia, when the doc says........bad news.
  9. Greg....you mention, in part.......wear warm woolies, yea ok, up high get's a tad cool.......pull on cab heat, cozy as. ( was intending 10k asl..thereabouts ) "skeds".............i'm listening, enlighten me, thanks mate. life jackets.....yea, got them, use em off the coast runs, always. R
  10. might.......just might, have a buyer for my 160 on that little isle.
  11. some....within the corridors of casa, have the gonads to think "they casa" are the benchmark others strive to achieve. ( what planet are they on....unreal )......they're a joke.
  12. Casa could learn a lot from the yank style. Hell..........Oshkosh ....anyone heard of that mind blowing event. Runs like clockwork. ( not for the faint hearted tho )
  13. so.........i stow me 160 in the overhead locker........aye what
  14. chasing info....mainland to tazy when............don't you even think about it. Tips..........??
  15. Ok......i'm on a "Mac", had it for a few yrs, all's good............but finding an EASY......repeat....EASY app, free, to resize pics is just not happining, our other pewter toshiba ( windows ).......has a really great resizer.....( bluefive.pair.com ) version 1.0.9, it's just perfect. So.......you Mac guys, what are you using. russ
  16. why run an ipad ( which is just great ) but also have android ph as well as backup. ( ipad and iphone...yes ??? ) this allows the 2 to talk to each other...yes/no
  17. passing on info...... i queried moreys.......does the addition of moreys into fuel, ( mogas ) cause any deterioration to fuel quality if unused for some time.............NO adding moreys to avgas 100LL ( GA aviation )........yes / no...............yes, no problems at all. so there you go.......( have the mails if you want )
  18. Off topic........but what aircraft ( non jab powered ) would be comparable with the "package" of a j230...........just asking
  19. Adding UCL or 2 stroke oil into your fuel ( as a lot do ).....surely this is one benefit of the practice.......bore protection.
  20. Lot of....you said, I said, I meant, you meant, I'm referencing, your referencing, I'm on topic, your not, ..........etc etc. Hey guys, go smell some roses, light your incense burners, better still......... Go flying, before moderator cracks his whip. ( just ask ol mate oscar, he'll explain the whip method ) ....this topic is not worth getting all cranky about.
  21. one more time................we, me n her, ( wife ), are constantly heading off somewhere in our JABIRU .....long legs, tiger country always.......99.6% of the time, if we bump into another traveller that's Raa reg........it's another jab. "luck" has nothing to do with my jab 2200 engine, ( and it's hyd lifter engine ).........control your temps, run UCL in your fuel, service it right. i cruise at 2850 ish, burn 15LPH...............this casa @##$$%^^ is (**&&^%$#
  22. " landing fee"..........geeez, i'll have to be creative with my call sign..........again.
  23. " Replacing" ??.....what controls am I replacing. ( disconnect / reconnect ) Folding wings......not on a type "C" Anyway, this idea of trailering me jab, is just that...an idea. Might do, may not do......just seeking the on...off bit.
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