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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Adells grove ( lawn hill ) Gorge Sweers Island ( 20nm off coast, Normanton ) Strip Enroute coastal run to karumba. Atherton overnight Burke & Wills roadhouse, then 2 nights Adells Grove, topup fuel at Burketown, the dash over to Sweers Is, spend 3 days, dash back to mainland, then coastal to Karumba, overfly to Normanton, punctured a tyre...bugger, refuel, then direct to Atherton. Great run......me 160 just purred. More to come.....standby
  2. What's an acceptable oil usage for a 2200 jab.
  3. I'm jabahoot over the moon with my 160... ( maybe cockahoot, as well )
  4. Once bitten, twice shy. ( the mongrels are expressionless, can't read their intentions ) ........and it bleedin hurts ( the bite ) Don't forget them ants either, park in their path, they climb aboard reeeel quick.( good fun at 5000ft getting chewed )
  5. Dogs.......watch out for the mongrel blue heeler lurking behind you. Watch out for the moos that like to rub up on your aero, and the mongrels that lick the hell out of it. Yea......lot of watch outs. Forgot.....set your prop vertically, moos and roos get about at night, might save you a busted prop.
  6. There you go......places getting listed already. What I'm thinking is ......you know your intended route, it may cross into states......open relevant states page, bingo, info there, start planning. Have found on a few occasions the info avail on AOPA is incorrect, ie...accom etc etc no longer avail, as an example. ( ph calls prior best practice ) yip, some folks just rock in, cattle run here n there avoiding the plane, little wonder agro arises. ( courtesy wins every time ) .....don't forget a copy of the latest newspaper....that's a winner too.
  7. A "dedicated" thread here would be good, we could add our locations as sourced. ( state by state )....I've got lots, continually growing......we get about.
  8. Good luck getting it out, ol mate had hell ova job, all but destroyed the tank insert as corrosion had set in. ( seized .. Stressed the tank area ) Lots of care, penetrating oil etc, beforehand. The boredom thing.....nar, can't help you there.
  9. Jab instructor my way, has been on 95, plus Lucas for some yrs, no tank probs at all.
  10. Update.....pressure over 4.5 at cruise is now too high, hence weaker spring.
  11. Hearing that jab are now installing a weaker oil pressure spring to all engines, the idea is less pressure to hydraulic lifters, eliminating a possible poor seating scinareo on the valves. Confirmation to come.
  12. " From time to time ".......To often actually, the numbers are alarming.
  13. Pack good tie downs.....to be sure, to be sure. Adells have avgas, but cheaper at Burketown. Sweers can have softish sand patches .....can have. Burke and Wills roadhouse....Undara lava tubes, both have good strips, food, accom etc.....both in the general areas you're heading. Hells Gate, another place, accom etc......nothing special there, only to say, you've been there. If you're going to Sweers, have a look at Birri resort...not far away on main island. We're passing through same areas....again, same time as yourself, might bump into you. Lastly, pack can of " surface spray " .....spray base of wheels, pegs, etc, overnighting....them mongrel ants move in reeeel quick.
  14. Trick learnt way back with iPads... Hold both buttons in until the pad shuts down, then restart as norm. You do this when it's getting lazy, or other things are not happining . Also fairly regularly...double click the bottom button, then swipe off all the background shyte that's lurking away there.
  15. Casa......god love em, should be right on this rubbish. CEO's should be reemed.
  16. You guys have got no idea...period Slide a big sheet plywood under it, hook tow rope on to ply, other end of rope onto your trusty land cruiser, off you go...at around 120kph we have liftoff.... Now...how hard was that.
  17. He's waiting for the tide to come in now, won't be long. Bit ova shampoo, be good as new.
  18. Russ

    Iridium plugs

    Month back I mailed NGK asking for a suited iridium plug ,equivalent to our normal plugs , they came back saying there was only the one available, ie These ones we are discussing here. I further asked if we had a heat range choice....answer was no. For what it's worth, I've noticed no side effects in comms etc, all seems as norm.
  19. Russ

    Iridium plugs

  20. Russ

    Iridium plugs

    I'm on for a spare set please ( 8 ) Russ
  21. Both moreys and Lucas recommend 30ml to 20l fuel, that's what I've been doing. When I change to 2 stroke oil, then I may reduce the oil by 50% , and compare performance! plug colour, etc. I know of gyro guys adding Lucas to their Rotax machines, several guys have been doing it for 8....10yrs, they swear by it. This Castrol 2 stroke, I'm told is low ash, and quality anti oxidants, the chap that recommended this oil has a petro background, that'll do me.
  22. My take.......as i said earlier 30....40hrs after a top end, variations were apparent, ( I'm fussy ) changed to adding UCL, things improved, and after 100+hrs.....still great. The oil must be controlling lead deposits, must be oiling valve guides, must be lubricating cyl walls, must be controlling carbon buildup in ring grooves. Just my take on it........bottom line, me jabs just purring. April we are heading off ( again ) this time up into the gulf, here n there, NT, WA, gone for weeks, I'm now quite comfortable with my jab doing these tiger runs.
  23. Mixing 30ml oil.......20l petrol
  24. Upper cyl lube......another brand is Lucas. ( I think the Lucas is more popular tho ) .??? Recently told to use Castrol activ2, ...2 stroke oil. ( chap that told me should know, so I'm going to change over as soon as I exhaust my current stock ) About 100+ hrs ago, my pull throughs were "ordinary", so I had a topend rebuild done, properly done. ( read earlier post for details ) Anyway after 30....40hrs I noticed cyl variations, small, but apparent. Up till then I ran on nothing but avgas, ol mate told me to get onto upper cyl lube and run with that, within a fairly short time my pull throughs evened out, all were really good, so now I've accumulated 100+ hrs and everything is perfect. Must add.....I've recently changed fuel to a cocktail...40% avgas, 60% premium 95, Am considering going full on 98, am hearing good reports, I'll continue with the oil as well.
  25. I've recently replaced my spark plugs with NGK iridiums, I now notice how quickly it fires up.......instantly. For some time now I now dose the fuel with Moreys, pull throughs all became even again quite quickly, infact comps are really good.
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