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Everything posted by Russ

  1. So me Putin along at 100kts, at around 6.. 7....8 thou...( under 10k ) transponder on....the bigger boys are alerted if a possible conflict is probable. .?? ( bigger boys, ie...basic GA, and bigger )
  2. That's correct, I was showing power settings max and cruise, cruise revs for a auto engine are high in the scale when held there for continuous . 400 revs off max is not much off peak ( auto engines ) Rotax etc actually designed to run continuous high revs, auto folks weren't envisaging their engines running aircraft, with completely different operating parameters as they were originally designed to operate. Other auto engines proving substance as aero engines are the little Suzuki turbo'd ones 1200 and 1600cc, the 1600 especially . My point is, there are some auto engines that actually perform really good as aero engines.......not many tho.
  3. Auto engines can't handle WOT continuous.......well subarus sure can. I've got 30plus yrs flying gyros, soobs are dominant, generally from a wrecking yard, bolt into a gyro. These engines run yr after yr after yr at HIGH rev settings.....example or 2 .....1800cc / EA 81 engines, full power 5000 thereabouts, cruise all day 4600. 2500cc / ej25, full power 5600, cruise all day 4600. Soob engines get massive hrs before you put a spanner on them, it's rare to have an engine out, they just keep screaming. Downside......heavy little suckers.
  4. Interesting, got a mail.....sender had same probs with Caltex 95, changed to BP prob gone, although he also changed his shutdown style....revved to 2000, shut throttle, kill both mags. Think I might go back to shady mix with same top end lube added ( moreys ) pity...as I wanted to get away from avgas and it's possible demons.
  5. Interesting, thanks. Bit more.......used to run on avgas only, then I began a shandy mix..50 / 50 all was good. Now on 95 straight with moreys top end lube added and I've got this event. .?? Ambient air temp today was around 36....38 ish on ground. It was hot...
  6. Today we headed off to a roadhouse middle of Cape York Qld ( Musgrave ) stinking hot day, CHT was fine, oil temp was higher than normal, just under 100, never higher. Fuel was 95 Ron , Caltex. Air time was close to 4 hrs enroute... Landed, turned both mags off, but she kept chugg a lugging.....just as she was about to stop, she ran backwards for a sec or 2. Pull through was fine when we disembarked. Ok you savy guys........what's going on here
  7. Why trailer around Oz......just buy a jab, and fly around, then fly around again, then just for the hell of it.......fly around again. Me n her ( wife ) get about a lot, jabs everywhere, other brands not that often. Get it well serviced, do a couple of mods......then off you go.
  8. Why aren't all registered jab owners getting that email ??? ....bewilds me.
  9. Approx 120 nm, west of Wyndham ( Kimberly North Coast ) good dirt strip, google the above name, all info there. We've prebooked for June,
  10. Big call.......... Give CAE a call, just in case they haven't forged their crank cases . ( personally , whatever they've designed,tested,proven......that's good enough for me )
  11. Agree there john.....problem is, too many folks immediately think" why something can't be done " They just seek hurdles.....every time.
  12. Acquaintance took delivery last yr of an imported craft, applauded widely for its short field performance, used by some in training as well. Casting my eye over it I was shocked at the unbelievably weak point seat belt anchors, just flimsy metal angles, riveted to airframe. I would bet my left n&t that any reasonable impact, would fail to restrain a pump up doll. But not to worry, it's Rotax powered, and that's all that counts......apparently. ( forgot......it's imported, so that's also Ok )
  13. So it's Ok to hang jab owners out to dry, based on questionable evidence, but " mums the word " on a number of other makers, that do have more serious problems. Sorry.......the logic escapes me.
  14. Hey oscar ol chum, truss is for sure a "dill", but hey he's convinced how many constituents repeated occasions, he's their man. .......truth be known he'll continue, their man. So.....does it follow he's smarter than his constituents. ( now that's scary. ) for how many yrs has ol warren, mumbled his tenure within Canberra.........maaate, he's there till he decides to take up lawn bowls.
  15. Makes you wonder WHAT.....
  16. Appears to be a step forward, let's see how big that step gets. ( encompassing type "C" aircraft could save a lot of folks ) $14k changeover, no restrictions, I'm in.
  17. Green slime in the tubes, works great ( temp fix to get you home ) 2ndly.......ant mounds, water ruts, loose branches, runway cambers, possible strong sink, wallabies etc, cockatoos etc in trees that will scatter.....anywhere. Jab brakes can be fairly ordinary, especially when your heavy. My 2 bobs worth.
  18. Get intended pax to pay $1 co ownership of the aircraft, would negate the instrument from casa.....yes..no ??
  19. Similar problems.......hold down both buttons until it turns off, then restart as normal. Just remembered....before you do that, swipe off all background stuff lurking on the iPad. Mines good as gold now....
  20. Nescafé blend 43, is about the best you'll get. The lat'e scene is yet to find Kununarra, if ever it does.
  21. I rekin 4...5 of you guys should start a thread .....maybe " gloves off " heading, then go your hardest to and fro, with each other.....then just maybe this thread might contain some worthwhile comments. It's just another "bashathon" going on here. Conflicting egoes, views...and just plain shyte.
  22. " screw downs " .......I think was the name, I've got a set, so far so good. ( set of 4, with screwing handle and pouch, $60 approx ) Don't forget the can of cheap surface spray, to douce your ropes and tyres, them angry ants don't mind climbing aboard sometimes. Especially out west.
  23. There are a number of bladder makers, most are GA certified. ( turtle pak, liquid solutions, just to name 2. ) Then there's all the imported ones.....again, most certified.
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