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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Cancel CASA's proposed restrictions CASA have not provided any detail or reason for the proposed heavy restriction of all Jabiru aircraft engines. The effect of such a restriction will be detrimental to many areas of general aviation in Australia, where the engine has been developed and manufactured, as well as many export locations worldwide. CASA released the Consultation Draft – CD1425SS on 13th November 2014 and has only given 7 days for comment. Along with signing this petition (link below), please submit your comments to the Team Leader, Lee Ungermann at [email protected] or [email protected] https://www.change.org/p/the-hon-warren-truss-mp-cancel-casa-s-proposed-restrictions-on-jabiru-aircraft-engines JABIRU AIRCRAFT PTY LTD PO Box 5792 Bundaberg West Qld 4670 Ph: 07 41551778 Fax: 07 41552669 Email: [email protected] www.jabiru.net.au www.facebook.com/JabiruAircraft
  2. Jabiru succeeded in stopping CAE from further proceeding in "certification" of the 2.2 engine, how can casa now acknowledge CAE ....?? I see nothing but protracted court proceedings.
  3. I've just gagged on my fresh made toast, Raa....god bless em, sent me a mail telling me to contact my local fed govt member, and tell him " how unhappy I am" And on it went.......... Raa, you cannot be serious, you are not in the mix here with casa, it's insulting to me as a member to see you play this game
  4. Home Operations Airworthiness Regulations and Policy Manuals and forms Education Services About CASA Regulations and Policy Current rules Changing the rules Consultation updates All CASR parts CASR regulatory structure Documents by type Rule changes by topic Active projects Consultation committees Consultation documents open for comment Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) [*]Enforcement action [*]Policy notices [*]Regulation reform [*]CNS-ATM [*]Australia's state safety program [*]Safety information policy statement Home Regulations and Policy Changing the rules Documents by type Consultation Draft – CD1425SS Consultation Draft – CD1425SS – Operating limitations for aircraft fitted with Jabiru engines Background CASA is responding to a high, and increasing, rate of engine failures among aircraft that are powered by engines manufactured by, or under licence from, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd (Jabiru). Such aircraft are referred to in this document as 'Jabiru powered aircraft'. The issues appear to be the result of several failure modes, which require separate investigation. CASA has formed the view that its functions under the Civil Aviation Act 1988 require it to mitigate certain risks to passengers, trainee pilots and persons on the ground. Accordingly, while CASA works with Jabiru to identify the causes of these engine failures and to implement appropriate corrective actions, CASA proposes a set of operating limitations on Jabiru powered aircraft. Additional information Contact: Lee Ungermann, Project Leader Email: [email protected] Documents 13 November 2014 Summary of Proposed Change – CD 1425SS (24KB) Consultation Draft – CD1425SS – Operating limitations for aircraft fitted with Jabiru engines (80KB) All comments should be submitted via the Project Leader, Lee Ungermann by close of business 20 November 2014. Licences and registrations CASA online store Services Contact us Site Feedback Site Map CASA Industry Complaints Commissioner Freedom of information Copyright Website Privacy Statement Site help Mailing Lists
  5. To Jabiru Fleet, Will the silent majority please become vocal as soon as possible to protect your flying privileges!! Rodney Stiff and Susan Woods have just landed in Canberra and will be meeting with CASA @ 11am tomorrow morning with Legal Representation and will be fighting for your privileges!! WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT URGENTLY by responding to Lee Ungermann at email: [email protected] the below link as we only have a week for responses to be submitted Refer to Link:http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS%3ASTANDARD%3A%3Apc=PC_102279 (07) 4155 1778 Fax: (07) 4155 2669 www.jabiru.net.au www.facebook.com/JabiruAircraft
  6. Hope I'm wrong.....can see jab folding, and South Africa, and or America picking up the baton. Don't think either of them would be so " in denial " as the Bundy operation is. For sure, then a local company would import the jabs ( dealer ) For sure.....Rotax would be an engine option from factory as well. For sure......jab with Rotax......world beater, in my view
  7. I forwarded it to ol mate stiffy.
  8. 582 being a 2 stroke, avgas premixed to correct ratio, ( 50 / 1 or whatever ) should actually reduce lead problems quite significantly. .??? Folks are just slightly dosing avgas in 4 stroke engines to control lead build ups, ring seizures etc. I for one do, and my plugs look clean as. Now done around 60 hrs.
  9. Mines negotiable......advert is somewhere here. ( for sale, I think, classifieds ) Flys....sweet as
  10. No......the emerging problem is a good problem.............getting fresh food reliably, and lots of it. Hello Australia, china calling.....you got it, we want it. ( it's that simple ) yrs back Asia in general were not favourable towards Oz, we are now emerging as the place to source food. Hell, they ( Chinese, Indonesia,Korea ) to name a few, are quietly buying up / leasing huge tracks of land here, NT in particular, many stations now Asian owned / leased. We here think/ plan 5 yrs ahead.....them other folks, plan 25 yrs ahead. Going to be interesting.
  11. This thread just might get interesting........." Facts" .......gimey the facts.
  12. " medically speaking" .......it's " stubbornness syndrome" , incurable I believe.
  13. Ian....that camera we're on about here, is that the hero black model. ( top of their range ). .???
  14. When our management says Ok. ( RAA ) ....it's not Ross's call to make. If.......your that sure a directive is in the wings.....chase up head office yourself. ( hangin there Ross, and the other reps here, giving feedback here re RAA would be Difficult at times, some folks get a sniff of a matter, then demand answers, often prematurely. ........ Said it before..." Damned if you do, damned if you don't )
  15. Twist my arm......toss in one of those cards......I just might order a camera off you.
  16. I'll bet me left **** if Camit had the $$$ a reliable engine ( possibly certified ) would be on offer. Hearing just some of their "changes" mooted, sounds good to me.....and others here. I'm of the view "they" Camit, have several strings to their bow, all constrained by $$ . Just my views.....
  17. Surely this day and age, a performance engineering shop could machine up a valve and retainers etc etc, from " suited " material , that will do our job reliably, jabs dropping valves is my own worries. No warning.......all over red rover.
  18. Russ


    Here is, old age at its best . Larry and Bob, two friends, met in the park every day to feed the pigeons, watch the squirrels and discuss world problems. One day Larry didn't show up. Bob didn't think much about it and figured maybe he had a cold or something.. But after Larry hadn't shown up for a week or so, Bob really got worried. However, since the only time they ever got together was at the park, Bob didn't know where Larry lived, so he was unable to find out what had happened to him. A month had passed, and Bob figured he had seen the last of Larry, but one day, Bob approached the park and -- lo and behold -- there sat Larry! Bob was very excited and happy to see him and told him so. Then he said, 'For crying out loud Larry, what in the world happened to you? Larry replied, 'I have been in jail.' 'Jail!' cried Bob. What in the world for?' 'Well,' Larry said, 'you know Jane, that cute little blonde waitress at the coffee shop where I sometimes go?' 'Yeah,' said Bob, 'I remember her. What about her? 'Well, she tried to threatened me with blackmail and then she filed rape charges against me. I was so proud at 89 years old, when I got into court, I pleaded 'guilty'. 'The damn judge gave me 30 days for perjury'.
      • 4
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  19. PM headed your way.....thanks
  20. Yea Bob, do all of that.......it's the unannounced major that nags away.....at times. Looking across at my beautiful wife, when "that moment" arises, is not a nice feeling. She.....is totally unaware of " dangers within" . I've purposely not raised the matter with her, as she would still bug me for us to fly, but that would then make 2 of us uneasy. Call me stupid, call me wrong, no offence taken.
  21. Anybody have contact details of folks there. Might need to drop in, or even swag it under the wing.
  22. I absolutely love it.....I point it, and just go. I might run into "shyte" enroute, it handles that no probs, Short field landings / takeoffs, economy, comfort, storage, endurance.....love it. But.......that random thought of doom ( engine ) enroute, nags at me. And reading the goings on here doesn't make it easier. I believe ( unconfirmed ) the Camit project has stalled ( 2.2 ) I've been waiting with baited breath to get one, when....that eventuates now, is any bodies guess. I would not be surprised if $$$$ was the factor, as it would be serious $$$$. Time will tell.
  24. My 160C is now on the market.
  25. Damned if you do.....and damned if you don't. Hang in there Ross.......and other reps here.
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