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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Good news. ( now to find the " devil in the detail " ) .....if, there is any. ( Insurance co's often have difficulty writing out chqs. )
  2. Saunter out to caboolture, I'll organise an hr or 2 "tif" ing around the beaches,islands etc, in a u beaut gyro.
  3. Lat / longs.......S 18 29.6 E 144 04.8 ( this'll get you there )
  4. Enroute....the 2 ocean pics are departure point NQ, then the tiger country to einsleigh. Around 6....8 thou feet, better air, cool 21*
  5. Einsleigh, gulf country Qld, 150 nm west cairns. Easter every yr, 2000 plus folks converge here, horse races and rodeo, a must do. Camp under wings, stay at pub, camp at camping ground. Great swimming gorge. A memorable weekend......( we just completed a couple of days there ) Pics.....airstrip and town Pub Gorge Forgot.....will add lat / longs
  6. I will go along with that, Toowoomba is central however the Victorians will have amoan Moaning is part of their DNA.......
  7. Ok, they may not be interested in GA, ( I take it you checked that ) but I'm saying they are interested in profile, promotion, and all that comes with it. I also think state govt might just get to thinking here, Qld is seeking activities that draw folks to Qld, we have here a multimillion $ development , it's going to rattle some cages, any half decent proposal will attract interest. An Australian Oshkosh could be a real teaser for them. I'm done....just thought I'd put it out there.
  8. From little things........big things grow. The Wagner lads have the venue, they got the drive, .......our own 4 day Oshkosh. Think about it.........
  9. Towoomba aye, how do they feel about making it the "hub" for Australia's premier rec aviation nationals. Every yr....ANYTHING... That has wings, even hot air balloon folks, Vintage, Raa, gyros, microlites, balloons, gliders.........hello Oshkosh. Just a thought. ( the Wagner lads have plenty of $$$, and don't mind spending it. ) Apart from that Towoomba is geographically placed fairly good.
  10. Raa has 3000 reg flyers ( aircraft ) Raa approaches insurance co's....X , Y ,Z Gentlemen, Please give us a quote to hull insure $50...60...70...80...90...100k aircraft BTW gentlemen, there is the potential for 3000 new policies. Now.....if this scinareo does not get their attention, I'll be gobsmacked. A commission to Raa.....why not Same scinareo for public liability insurance.
  11. If........if, there was questionable decisions / actions, why the damn coverup. This festering topic keeps on popping up. ( ie....last paragraph above post ) Someone in authority, catagorily dismiss this, or release the facts. ( FOI could be in play here ?? ) If........there is substance to the matter, it tarnishes later officials into the mix as to knowledge of matters, and perpetuating silence. So.....debunk it, or release the information. On another note.....why try to reduce "fees" they are bugger all now. ( get smarter at using them ) " hull" insurance for EVERY member, that would be good. ( group policy ) " public liability insurance " .....every member again policy. ( more and more local athorities are getting into this demand. ) These insurances are available now, singularly to you / me, not cheap tho, but a group thing could be way better.
  12. Ross....surely printing costs were factored into membership $$$, or part thereof..... Surely we have approached other printers in more recent times to obtain current comparisons. Revenues incoming ( Raa ) total, ballpark $1m ?? ......and we are going broke ?? ( gyro folks, 300.......600 members, low fees, smart systems, MEAGRE govt funds, burdened with same casa edicts, and getting worse, yes more $$ would be nice, but they tick along quite nicely. Admittedly their costly mag is printed quarterly, maybe Raa go bi monthly printed, electronic monthly......) I said before, Raa should have embraced rank and file members to self manage their accounts electronically, Raa access member accounts as needed, outdated/ wrong details is the members fault, and until that account is brought up to current status, it simply stalls. This type system....electronic, would immediately reduce folks behind desks, saving Raa $$$$.......serious $$$$ Ok......so we have $1m plus stored away, great, but.....are we getting the absolute best return for that, there are some great options out there, and folks are keen to get funds. ( would love to see....warts and all...the last 5.....7 yrs unadulterated audits of Raa's financials )
  13. Am told, the meat bombers assn, self insure to ??, if it looks like it's going over that $$$, then they call in the big guns. There incident record, last 2 yrs, would have to dwarf ours. " dangerous activity" would be front and centre of their promos ?? Side note....CASA set the rules, Raa operate within those, ......training is out sourced to businesses / private trainers etc, so if an incident occurs, how is Raa accountable. ( Raa dotting their I's and crossing the T's ) an incident is more often than not....pilot error, now if one argues that line, referencing skill, poor training, bad pilot action etc, how can Raa be sued. You smash your car, you are quadraplegic, do you go and sue your driving school, car maker, who ever........claiming poor skills caused the accident, as they never taught you"defensive driving". Seeking persons to blame for your own stuff up , driving, flying, whatever......it's getting rediculous.
  14. CASA and burdening rec flying orgs more and more, then paying a pittance to those orgs, seems to be common place. Did hear tho, that the meat bombing folks, get a bundle of cash....go figure ( unconfirmed comment ) Spoze all rec aviation could say to CASA........boys, it's all yours, might just take their breath away......might Alternatively, ALL rec aero sports, combine into one body, then the accumulated numbers would have clout. ( fragmented groups are easy pickings ) Just a thought??
  15. At what point do folks look forward, rather than dragging up the past. Yes there were "issues", but now 2014, some fresh air is apparent. Let's be part of the solution here, feedback is now beginning, and that alone was a major grype. Hell last yr I got the runaround with my rego, this yr......easy as. I'm quietly confident we are going somewhere good.
  16. Bad news indeed , if he only plans to read from his " in tray " we do have a problem in the making. Maybe....he's just marking time here, with eyes elsewhere. ( watch this space ) ??
  17. Bruce.....is that lifepo4 the 20 amp one, ......had a bit of a google, it looks like it's physically the same size as my oddysee.
  18. Ok......it's now on the back burner. ( if my gyro had the fuel endurances, i'de take it, rotorcraft and shyte get along better )
  19. Ok, this time of the yr, the heat etc are starting to build. Xcountry excursions late morn to late arvo can/ do get ugly. Generally.........if one gets to 7....8....9000 ft above ground, can life be more kind. Depart sparrows, get that height, and get a much better outcome...........generally. Planning NQ to Darwin in coming weeks. Cairns, Burketown, coastal Boroloola,direct Darwin. Thanks....
  20. " nudge it up " .......happily pay more for safety. Bring on these Camit engines.....pleeeeze. ( for my cert J 160C )
  21. Expected dramas, but no.....all went perfectly. ( happy chapy ) I'm optimistic to the future , hints of direction are pleasing.
  22. Russ, I heard that credit card was bulging at the seams anyway, what's the bigdeal? Graeme. Fly down if you need a good feed. Fresh Coral trout and crayfish for lunch today. Bulging alright..........maxed out. Now to your fish eating.......you know who, is ramming this wild crill oil down me throat, so fish at the minute is not on my "want list " Last months force feeding was her new gadget "bullit " .......juicer thingo. Was wishing it to blow up.
  23. Wife recently departed cairns to Darwin, overnight there, then going international. My ph rings, she's arrived Darwin........forgot her passport. All hell breaks loose, somehow I've got to get it to her, same day. No probs, I grab passport, and race to qantas freight, place it into a plastic satchel, given guarantee it will arrive Darwin late afternoon.......bewdy. Then.......chap says $180.00 please.........you must be joking is my reply......if you want it there today sir, it's $180.00 ......maaate I says, I can book a one way seat there for less than that, no comment. Out comes my c/ card. un bloody believable.........phew
  24. Ok, engine rebuild is cheap.....how about the airframe rebuild from an out landing that goes pearshaped. ( basically destroyed ) "Don't fly over, what you can't land on" ......yea, right. The SOONER I can get a cert Camit, the more relaxed I'll be. Love my 160, it's a great performer.
  25. He is talking about life insurance not plane insurence! I'll up me medication.....more
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