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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Anjum......there you go, jab have some faults, but assistance/ advise etc is not one of them. Hec......they even loaned me a radio few weeks back. One thing tho........I hope you don't think coz you have a " turn indicator " you can use it as an aid ( loss of horizon/ cloud/ rain ) etc etc......you will surely come unstuck. Loosing your ground references is for the higher trained/ equiped pilots.
  2. All this " might be this...might be that ".... just maybe, a call to jab could reveal the answer. I've found every single time I've dealt with them, it's been a good experience.
  3. exactly...........
  4. spoke to a "well qualified " person re "returning oil"......absolutely not a problem here, couple of reasons.....canister and contents are near on engine core heat, at shutdown any residue retained oils would be drained back to sump while still HOT.... oils are changed at 25hr intervals.......he did mention, from time to time good housekeeping would be to remove canister and give it a good washout.
  5. Now allows me to run higher oil levels ( bit higher anyway ) on long trips/legs. Prior to this the engine would spit out oil to just on the dipstick ( it's sweet spot ) so in my view during loong legs, actual oil usage begins at the real low point, as 80..100ml has been pumped out. This worried me.....low oil in the sump. As to "tinkering etc" as 7252 raises........maate, if i was to stick 12ply tyres on...........the reply would be in the negative from jab. ( many guys, i repeat many guys, have over the yrs changed "things" on their jab.......proven by faultless hrs of operation, and the benifits gained as well.......and jab poo poo the bloody lot ) How many times has the discussion been around of jab and their stubinous ( where's me spell check thingo ?? )to ANY changes.........the most recent jab / camit saga. ( camit have done some tweeks etc to the basic jab.........bingo, from All reports......a damn good engine. And jab won't have a bar of it.
  6. Russ

    What`s Happening???

    Maaate......what the hell are you sniffin.
  7. Bill...you sure can. ( don't pay attention to Ol Geoff , he missed his medication today...) Going to the hanger tomorrow ...unpack the Ol girl, shampoo etc etc, will Take pic....standby
  8. Fitted an oil return recently ( crankcase vents into cylinder, oil runs back into engine ) works a treat. Can now run higher oil levels on the long trips, engine always used to push out higher levels, and run on barely up the dipstick, I was never comfortable with this. So yes....I'm more happyerer. Mate has been running exact same for several yrs now, alls good.
  9. Russ

    What`s Happening???

    Hey frank...we have arrived back home, coastal north from Airlie beach, overflew your strip at 3500 ....was tempted, but we was heavy as, missis gear, 4 days away, she packs everything including the sink, so your 500m was going to be "interesting" ....poss wet grass etc etc, and me touching down a tad quick to be sure with weight, 500m might've got SHORT. BTW.....Dunk Is, is again open to flyins for brunch.....call day before. Catchup later...
  10. Babysitter..??.....bewdy, just what I'm chasing, ph number anybody ??
  11. Russ

    What`s Happening???

    frank.......your home strip, how long ??
  12. Ok...so the "mutt" is over weight (42kg) phew......it's that layin about, that causes that BTW........anyway bet he could spell jabiru better than yourself ...just sayin..
  13. Well just maybe......Ol mate here enjoys the "mutt" rummaging around down there......just sayin....
  14. Seems your mutt has been well trained...
  15. Maybe not today.....but who knows further down the track.
  16. Mail to dick..........what ya rekin pal, all's honkey doorey?? .....proceed as is, fix later....or wait till she's right. Me.......iv'e got no issues with the principle of upgrading the constitution etc, good move, but the revamped x ?? times, do'es worry me tho, especially when each revamp starts to leak. Moving forward here..........I've got no answers. The "yes" vote is my thinking tho.
  17. Ok......I gave the "optimistic".......In fact I would love to see old faces here..... Again......still. ( I miss em )
  18. I for one, never ever, felt a "bias" to any side, was dafydd"s operandi. I did at times feel he was irritated by yobos "questioning" his informed replies tho. ( we had the "best" with him........then ??? p!ssed him off )..............a big loss
  19. "ask him back"............wouldn't that be yourself to engage with him. Somewhere here his last words were " see you all the bias here is too much "......something along those lines from my ageing memory. The guy was a deadset wealth of info, and keen to share it..........our loss. ( no intent of disrespect alluded to here )
  20. I was....sort of, following this thread, but now........all this constant hoo ha, commies under our beds, etc etc.........I'm now going fishin....geez
  21. Nothing but good reports...
  22. kyle..........those xcoms, same hole size yes, however, are the 4 securing holes same exact as the 760. Shot mail to xcom guy, i asked could they make adaptor loom ( 760 ) to xcom.........answer was replace the loom...everything. ( not compatable )......figured it would be easy ??
  23. kyle..........is there an adaptor plug/loom to suit going to xcom from micro radio
  24. Aviation component supplier, beginning with "M" no longer sell microair ( too many returns ) they said.
  25. Not saying that...sorry, just sharing a "dealing"..........that went a little pearshaped. Hopefully they address moving on......
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