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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Was considering doing the loop thing, one way via flinders etc, other way via king island etc. looking at charts, the king island route might be an ask, ( the glide to land reg ) ....flinders way seems no probs. appreciate the flow of info here.
  2. Thanks Marty, appreciated...... Feb...March, missed for this yr..... 2015 then. We have a son based Adelaide, intending to visit him, then swing on by Tazy. From up here NQ, to down there, and return, will be a fair hike, looking forward to it. Again....thanks.
  3. Ok.....chasing info, Tyabb or Tooradin ?? Best departure points, ( comfy hotel etc ) Now over the puddle, best route, o/ nite flinders, maybe 2....3 nights, then to Tazy. Now......2 weeks or so, buzzin about, hoteling etc as required, grab the odd hire car etc etc, So......ideas for our ittinary ( great stops etc ) appreciated......and best mth to do it. ( avgas too , and short term under cover places, day or 4 at most, jab 160. ) Russ
  4. Blonde rings fire station screaming her house is burning down, finally fireman manages to get heard, madam.......exactly how do we find your house....blonde....duh, in your great big red truck.
  5. No.....stripped the lacquer big time, no other damages. Avoiding rain is best practice, but on occasions you just get wet, hopefully you can reduce revs to around 2100 and get through it, at a much reduced airspeed....this method does work on those moments. Would like to see timber prop makers, include a stainless leading edge inlayed into the blade, with the epoxy's etc now available, and proven, I can't see why not. Extra costs, yes, but I for one, would pay that. Timber props look great, they are engine friendly as well.
  6. Few days back we toddled off South, weather looked ok, about 3 hrs later we are by now heading home, yip, the weather was closing in, rain cells ahead, we weaved our way around them as best poss, by now the cells are getting more wet, more closing in, retreating was not an option by now, ordinarily I do my in rain management, no probs, but this time I was forced to gain about 3000ft to get up onto my home turf area, all ended up good. Prop got quite a workout with rain damage, so yesterday I sanded it back removing all the damage etc, re coated it with polyurethane paint. Today........I took it for a blat, to check balance etc etc was all good. Bloody hell, me jab was like a greyhound on steroids.....unreal. I,m pulling off power way under my normal cruise setting , achieving my normal cruise speed at around 97kts IAS......the difference was amazing in me jab. Moral of the story.....keep your prop in pristine condition it really pays, keep it as new.
  7. www.sentientsoftware.com.au
  8. Airnav VFR Sentient are the builders of this tool, I used this nav product for some yrs, it was brilliant, but was not available to be used within the iPad ........until now, I believe May 2014 is the release, google the site, read their promo. Issues that some folks have with ozrunway, might be no longer, by changing to this other nav product. I for one shall use the sentient one again, now that it,s iPad friendly.
  9. Read recently that some expert was saying that computers will shortly replace paper, I bet those experts have never tried wiping their arses with a laptop.
  10. Ok....ok, it's not aviation related.........but Getting quotes to install 3kw of panels on my roof, every single company throws in the "scare" line........sir be careful which company / product you choose, there is rubbish out there. Then......in the same breath, there's is one of the good ones. So.......who here can relate good or bad, do it,don't do it, reports......whatever. Googling chasing info just increases confusion, often folks are saying 5 plus yrs after installation is when your possible problems will begin to emerge, and a lot of "new" companies are jumping on the band wagon to make a quick quid (roof bat installations being an example ) Ok........give me the good oil.
  11. Couple of yrs back I installed a set of these in my new gyro, they were brilliant. Got this new jab now, so decided to install a set into it. For the last few months I've been having gremlins randomly cropping up......severe squelch/ static stuff, that requires me to reset squelch control to near on full max, just to make my Microair 760 useable. The other day it again cropped up.......the rubbish, so instead of winding up the radio squelch, I unplugged the EQ system, and plugged in my orig jab headsets........immediately all was good, as normal, squelch setting was way back to just on (normal) .......so.......what's the go. ( today.......spoke to EQ chap.....Perth .......he' s ok to give me a full refund if I wish, which I thought was real good of him) .......but sourcing and fixing the problem would be even better, as them EQ's are good gear. Any ideas guys .....
  12. Thanks Hong, example, several days back I was way south heading north (home) Approx 3 hrs weaving me way through rain cells etc , couple of times I had to backtrack to find a clearer passage elsewhere, to cut a long story short, we made it. So......running this radar overlay for hrs at a time, would chew how much data plan?? Russ
  13. Query.....how much does this radar/weather chew into my data plan. Hate to get a mind blowing charge from Telstra.??
  14. "C" factory built, casa certified "D" factory built That,s my understanding of it all.
  15. QBE no contest. Easy as, I,ve never had to make a claim, but acquaintance has, and he reported everything was sorted really well.
  16. Getting a 4 in one guage that fits my existing hole, is proving a problem........ 2 in one, easy, ( Rotax 4 banger ) So 2 censors is better than just the one I spose , perhaps I site one on the LHR cyl, other RHF cyl. .?? Getting back to my current position, installing that "lip" has noticeably dropped the temp on my LHR cyl, surely then, one could assume that this has also had a positive effect on the other 3 cyls......surely. Any.........drop in the engine bay must be benificial overall.
  17. Appreciate the advise, will look into that.
  18. I agree completely. I am going to source a 4 in one instrument that will drop into my existing dash, with 4 censors on the engine. Any advice appreciated.
  19. Seeking help, My microair760 is causing me grief, fairly often I get annoying squelch that requires rotating squelch control to near on maximum setting, to remove that noise. This problem is random, also at this time, the interference still has micro bursts, after I have reset squelch control. So........what,s the go here Russ
  20. Just to be more precise.....my cyl head temp is reading from the left hand rear cyl only. ( just the one censor fitted )
  21. Set the craft up so one side is noticeably higher than the other, remove rad cap, let engine idle, for a few minutes, then shut it down, and do the same thing to other side. Have seen this method on several types, and it worked ok.
  22. Cruise 2800, ambient temp 30 , cyl head temp 250f, ( 121c ) that was today.
  23. Going from point "A" to point "B", .....and my wooden prop is handling that just fine. Flying in rain requires "a method" .....and it does work. ( else where here I posted my method ) taught to me by another chap. I,m not talking full on torrential rain here.....light to medium, and extended for a long time. My only problem, is me jab leaks like the proverbial. ( doors ) but that is about to be rectified. ( gutters ) ex Bundy.
  24. One time only, I filled my tanks with premium, my jab ran fine, but when I returned 4.....5 days later, opened my door, the jab reeked of fuel inside, I immediately thought "leak" but nothing was leaking, then I was told about fume leak from hoses etc, drained the fuel, refilled with avgas again, no fuel smells again, so.......staying on avgas.
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