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Everything posted by Russ

  1. There is a marine product sold, users say it is really good, works same as rainex, but is for plastics etc etc, might be worth checking it out. Forgot the name tho, sorry.
  2. Personally know a chap that runs Mogas, but adds Lucas top end lub, has been doing this for a long time, machine is his trainer, so full power,cruise, etc is it's operation. He swears by his method, and has absolutely no troubles at all. ( jab BTW )
  3. My life must be pathetic, I,m actually enjoying this load of cods wollop going on here. ( remind self to seek professional help, this perceived enjoyment is messing with my head ) I bet if you all met up at some meet, a beer, and a good Sanger sandwich, you would enjoy the event around the good ol camp fire, so what,s all this pis1n comp achieving. SFA
  4. Can recall earlier in the piece, I filled my jab160 tanks to almost the top, was surprised just how much more I could squeeze in by filling them to the absolute top, near on running out the filler holes....was an extra 6.....7 litres approx, per tank. At that time I was then concerned just how much would then vent out, ( expansion etc ) so getting airborne ASAP was my next step. All ended up good anyway. As to relying on your fuel gauges....forget about that, they don,t even match each other, 2 dash led ones, and the 2 tank ones, look at all 4 and you get 4 different amounts. Fuel log is the only way, with safety margins. Must admit tho, calibrating the flow meter to near on exact, is a good tool.
  5. I am acquainted with the chap that makes jab screens, ( he lives alongside my home strip ) he says lightly soapy water, nothing else. He actually wears clean cotton gloves handling the screens etc, saying finger prints, oils etc is a real pain to control. But.......that I know for sure, does not aide rain visibility, ( mist / drizzle, etc ) Looking at my installed screen, how one replaces it, for whatever reason , looks like one major task. ( think I might give that plexus a go, here's hoping all goes well ) used it before on other tasks, worked great.
  6. Bottle clearly states " use on exterior glass" Feedback re using on my jab screen ( being plastic ) Russ
  7. Recently installed, was initiated by another 160 here, he has many hrs on his, no problems what so ever, and he don't baby it. Jab sell the lip extension ( small ) you extend their skirt by another 100mm approx. Whole thing weighs as much as a pac of cigs. ( or less ) It runs close to the exhaust pipe, so for heat protection of the glass, I just attached a thin piece of stainless sheet directly under the pipe area, about 50mm wide, by 130mm long. Have done a temp check, and the glass just gets "warm" at best. The worst part of the job is the bleedin glass particles attaching to your skin/ clothes etc and causing reeeel discomfort as you sand etc getting ready for painting. For memory jabs lip cost around $30, plus my additionals.
  8. Inflite pics to come. ( CHT at cruise is approx 10% in the green! full power climb peaks and holds at 50% in the green ) That,s at around 30c ambient, and home strip 2500asl.
  9. So......I can fit camit components into my 24 reg, but cannot fit a whole camit engine into my 24 reg ....?? ( 24 C model )
  10. Works a treat. Will photo "CHT" gauge , revs etc soon.
  11. Ok......what,s this "cold start kit" you mention.
  12. How do you conclude that 1000+ Jab owners frequent this forum to engage as you refer. ( perhaps 30.....50.....perhaps )
  13. G,day there Ross, is FNQ your area, hope so. ( Atherton to be exact ) Russ
  14. 400hrs, 2 soft cyls, pulled off all 4 pots, 2 pistons stuck rings, hone pots, replace all rings, reface, reseat valves. Runs sweet as. Private use only, avgas only. Have just " modded" bottom cowl lip (created more efficient suction ) drag out that hot air within engine compt, immediately noticed lower head temps, by a fair margine.
  15. I believe Ross has the best of intentions to fullfill a most difficult roll. Interaction here, and the board roll. I,ve been there done that, it is hard. A guaranteed way to settle the fire, is for Ross to just say nothing here, he just lurks, that would be so easy, but we here would be the losers. He,s made a couple of blunders ( gyro comments that were way off the facts, and just recently a comment re RAA and jabiru engines ) both these were just wrong. One being wrong for non factual, the other was ill thought. I bet every one here, if the opertunity arose, would thoughilly enjoy the company and a beer with Ross, I look forward to that also. I suggest Ross continues as himself, we don,t immediately link him to the rep role, they are 2 completely different folks, when he/ she ( board rep ) wishes to post here as " rep" That must be stated, then other posts are just personal points and views. Personal views/ biases / whatever, we all have, and it follows, they will to some extent follow you to the board room, that,s life, thankfully others there balance the whole agenda, and a good outcome is achieved. Keep up the great work Ross, I enjoy your comments as well ( in the main ) look forward to meeting up, and having that beer.
  16. And I get it where ??
  17. Pull revs back to around 2150, reset trim, asi is around 60kts, and keep visual with ground etc. I,m talking light rain here, not full on stuff. Then again old time pilot says same procedure in heavy stuff.....but I,ll give the heavy stuff a miss. Have been caught in light rain a few times enroute, absolutely no prop damage at all doing the above. However avoiding rain is even better.
  18. Pours in at the top area of the doors, near the plunger thingo....2nd lock thingo. Query.....anyone removed their wings on a 160, what,s involved etc.....toying the idea of trailering it behind the vehicle as we go walkabout. ( just thinking here )
  19. "Talent" ........hope the talent changes some rediculous decisions made by the current casa folks........start with ASIC cards rubbish, Get security screened as part of pilot licence holder.......how hard is that.
  20. No mate, not major.......just a tweak here n there. (Spose I could bolt in a brand spanker every 600hrs, that would give me close to 2000hrs, equivalent to a Rotax 4banger TBO .....even cost wise ) Seriously tho......said it before, jab blundered yrs back by not making the Rotax an option to buyers, the jab would have been a world beater. .....however......folks like CAMit, just might get the package right, I actually think they will.
  21. Ok....the engine is now back together, fired up beautifully, did the required ground run ups, then took to the air and the required air stuff was done. She,s singing like a canary, temps and all that......perfect. Friend, long time pilot, on board with lame, says sweet as. I,m a happy chapy, pity about the weather tho, winds/rain etc looks like it,s set in for some time. Oscar......yes have touched base with Ian, it,s now the "waiting game" re his engine, let,s see.
  22. When you have to take half a Viagra tablet every morning so you don,t pee on your slippers.
  23. At around 350hrs I noticed a softness in 2 cyls, especially when cold, but improved a lot when hot, but still soft. Performance was a tad down generally. I,m glad we have done this exercise, couple of minor defects showed up as well, ( oil seepage underside 1mag ....internal seal was defecting, 2heads were just beginning to leak at the head/cyl joint, could see where the joint was indenting into the head surface in a small area.....hence poor sealing, thereby leaking. Suspect air leakage into inlet tube at the joint chamber of the carby.....those 4 inlet tubes carby to engine. ) Combustion chambers indicated lean mix even the 2 good chambers, so upgrade carby jets to current specs. Overall, she was good, yea I,m looking forward to some really big trips, the 160 is really comfy, great endurance, strong, has proven to me it handles those "ugly times" just great. After sales service......excellent. Yes......I love me 160.
  24. Jab say shell aero 100, so that,s my oil. ( aero 100plus ) this 24 rego ruling can be frustrating at times, especially when owners collectively run up huge hrs, and proven "mods" on 19 reg machines, are not permitted on 24 machines. Things like better suited oils, better engine cooling, and more......frustrating.
  25. Yea.......over many ,many yrs have heard from folks that swear by "additives" but never heard/read from authorative sources real feedback (good or bad info) Upper cyl lube in particular I,m interested in. At this moment Lame chap is honing cyls,replacing rings, plus cyl head job etc to my 160, (couple of cyls were down in comp, and I wanted to know exactly what was going on within) hence pull pots etc off and have a look. (Stuck rings being the devil, in 2 cyls) Apart from that, all was good. Russ
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