Weeks back I sent change of ownership paper works to them, heard nothing, rang them, told it was in the system to be done, I mentioned that the rego was about to expire as well, yes they said, it was, I gave her my c/card details to cover all costs. Weeks later still received nothing, rang them again just the other day, why the delay I ask.......O she says you were sent a email, that we need more info......sorry I says, you have not sent me any emails, yes we did, is the reply......NO YOU HAVE'NT, I says.
Yes, I,m of the view that questions need answers from Raa .
Acquaintance is battling to get his machine registered as well, 2 dash mounted placards re weight and safety shyte, he was told they RAA no longer supply, so he is required to get a printer to make these up,attach them to his dash,photograph them there, send that photo to Raa.
Raa since mentioned that they have inherited a right mess from previous staff, so that must mean new staff are now employed sorting the mess, hope so, or is it same staff under some new appointments......mmmmmmmm
Will I be flying my machine without 2014 rego card attached ......too bloody right I will be.......this stuff up is not of my making.