Flat / punctured tyre out the back of woop woop. Consider the situation, you are miles from home, she's as flat as..........
This did happen to me yrs back, and it was a MAJOR problem. I suggest you all put in place your "plan" to remedy the situation.
"My" situation was a list of "murphy law" components
no suitable ???? to raise, and then chockup the plane
ONCE that was achieved, remove the rim Ok...........now try breaking the tyre/rim bead....near on impossible.
The "spare" tube was aged cracking, as it had been folded up for so long.
Anyway, after some hrs i was now back in the air heading home vowing to never again to get caught out.
I now carry a can of that gooey presurised stuff, several types avail, yet to use one, so if someone out there has a tried and proven "fix"............do tell