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Everything posted by Russ

  1. 5 weeks ago, other "traffic" complain about my seriously unreadable transmissions ( turns out 3 others ) As it was multiple complaints i reluctantly concluded, it was me, not them. Ok....rip out the radio, take it into major national aviation service provider, tech says, sorry sir we cannot help you, after trying to squeeze out why, he reluctantly alluded perhaps buy another branded radio. ( read into that as you will ) Ok....rang another mob, same answer, sorry we don't service microair products. This time i bundle it up, and post it to microair......week and a bit later i ph.....hows my repairs folks....sorry sir we have been unable to look at it, and it may be another week plus, before we can. You must be bloody joking folks, sorry pal our techs are all away, ok i says courier it to them, i'll pay, sorry sir can't do, Ok.......can i get a loan radio, i'll pay for it........sorry, can't do that either. So i'm now stuffed.......wait is the only answer. Next day, get ph call .......we have got tech coming in to look at your radio, later in the day i get email to pay several hundred dollars before return.........no problem there, i pay it. Get email again, unit will be despatched monday........bewdy Wednesday nothing yet turns up, rang microair 9....repeat 9 times, every time the line was engaged, no message bank, nothing to lodge for them to followup. Today 9am, to 9.20am........same same, engaged. I then recalled last weeks ph call from them was from a mobile......bewdy, i trace it, give it a call, it too does not answer......but takes messages, i leave one. 11am, i get call from microair.......their phs are down, they didn't know....( any business that get's no ph calls in 1.5 days, wouldn't you begin to think.......why ) so microair now tells me,my radio was despatched yesterday ( wed )......hangon i says, i've got mail from you that it was posted monday.......silence. just sayin folks........just sayin...........Grrrrrrrrr
  2. Plan is....Monday / Tuesday we're off, checked the blokes on horn, tie down cables etc are in place there. I've spoken to the man upstairs, blue skies, gentle breeze is the order......yea rite.
  3. Could somebody interprete this for me ( each notation )
  4. "Heard" that unstable oil pressures has a bearing on some hyd problems.
  5. Looked up at heavens this morning, bloody clouds are moving that fast, my head began to spin......bummer
  6. Seems I've got sumin wrong here.
  7. Thanks guys.....I think I'll give this one a miss. Can see things going pearshaped.........for me.
  8. Ok.....both cams the same.
  9. Andy.....engine serial number would be the same as orig ( assume ) the "internals are not "
  10. Out at my hanger this morning, helo flys in for fuel....turns out he left from way up the cape this morning, tells me ground speed 55ish.....blowing like hell, worse to come. Might delay my trip for a week or 2.....might. ( better to be on the ground wishing you were up there.....rather than up there, wishing you were on the ground )
  11. Andy.....it's a 2010 factory build, I understood that era all hyd. This 230 is for sale, so I'm gathering data, crossing "T's, and dotting I's" before I proceed further. I queried owner, did he get camshaft changed as well, he says there was no need to ?? Chap has also fitted a 3 blade bolly.
  12. Jab went to hyd some yrs back, I can't see jab allowing you/me to rip out their system, and going to solid lifters again.......just sayin.
  13. HIC.......as long as the howlers are near straight down the strip I don't mind. Burketown gets mongrel xwinds, and only the one runway, and it's near on north/south......and the winds are easterly, blow like hell.
  14. Geez, radio is on its way back.....fixed, looked at the upcoming weather , Horn Is, .......nothing but howling gales.....30 plus
  15. In 2010 they didn't.
  16. Thanks mate.......it's not a ( C ) ......just a 230, factory build
  17. ok....factory build 24 reg..... Was hyd lifter, now changed to solid lifter. Is everything coatio here ??
  18. Chap....Cessnock way (Keith ) he would have a few laying about, lame guy.
  19. Thanks Hap.....alls good, that's a good " normal" landing, what I was putting out there.....if one holds off, with seriously high attitude , seeking walking pace roll ( absolute minimum roll ) ....what happens ( orig post ) Have experimented a few times, stall warning going off foot or 2 off the deck, but ground roll is still fairly quick. ( seeking the ultimate touchdown......zero roll, ie...gyros ) ..dream on
  20. My earlier post re .....holding off slow as poss etc etc. Stems from an experience last yr, we departed Burketown knowing my RH tyre was going flat, ( town was shutdown, pub hol ) ......its around 4 hr flite time to home strip, I knew i'de arrive with it dead flat. Decision....land slow as poss, and far LHS of strip....thank Christ I did. So......asking here....if I slowed to crazy slow, hold it off, hold it off, what happens. This is not in "training" .
  21. Correct Neville......landing training was setting up the profiles, and all falls in place. Never was a messy landing encountered, that required intervention. I must've been lucky. It was at my insistance at the latter time in training, that we flew in good blustery x winds, I wanted hands on. My general observations.....students are trained mornings...generally, and conditions are user friendly then. Encountering adverse conditions and getting "trained" is more often than not......self taught, when you are soloing about in your pride and joy. Mid day, getting bashed about, should be in the training regime....just saying.
  22. It's ok SS.....my get offs, and get ons, are seriously good. Due to " interesting" strips we've encountered, I've developed suited techniques.....alls good. Was just putting out there, prev post........what happens when..... My training, did not venture there, in any way. ( I think ) Coming from a Rotory wing background, one can "explore" things, and abort if necessary......pushing the envelope in fixed wing I'm not comfortable exploring, hence, asking peers here.
  23. Scinareo 2..... On late finals, above strip, 2m off the deck, holding high nose, why ???, stall warning going off, I keep high nose, why?? Will she nose over and plough nose wheel into the deck, or just dump me nose high or......sink to ground. ( ground effect kicking in here somewhere.) Disclaimer......have tried non of the above......just asking.
  24. Update #2 ........spoke to microair, I was keen to know what was wrong with my radio, it turns out easy fix, the terminology " out of alignment" ....radios as they age, need resetting back to specs......the little buggers "drift" ....so there you go.......think about your own radios before they go feral.
  25. Update from microair........sorry for the inconvenience russ, we've got tech onto it today.. So there you go, they've pulled a rabbit out of a hat.....good on em. Torres straits, here we come. ( fishin,drinkin, relaxin,lookin)
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