Still getting made...........i'm not so sure about that......maybe.
Getting certified to LEGALLY fly in Oz............that's going to be a hard task for them, without MAJOR redesigning and engineering. Very doable if the will and funds permit.
It's "the cabin shape" that draws folks in, it does look dead mean.
These machines have since day one, struggled to get any runs on the board, re supply, hrs of flying, supplier backup,etc etc........not one out of the box machine has sucessfully flown, yet sales blurb keeps flowing out.
Some yrs back, i approached them re buying one, they were keen as........then i indicated i had some gyro experience ( 20+ yrs ) and i was coming over to NZ to actually fly one before i parted with my money...........that's when they went dead quiet. Yea it's all smoke and mirrors stuff............beware.
( side note.......2 fatalities, 1 being their test pilot ) that i am aware of. And that's the only 2 machines that have actually got airborne into a circuit pattern scinareo.