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Everything posted by Russ

  1. she was there just 2 weeks back.
  2. i recently approached local aero club ( cairns ) .......need my PPL. They tell me they are flat out training newbies, so "GA" is alive and well apparantly.
  3. query.........the 4 cyl jabs, i'm hearing run best if you don't "mother" them........run them hard. Ok constant 2900 revs approx, is up there in relation to WOT.....my query.....if manifold pressure is around 28" at WOT, what is it at 2900 revs. ( 75% being the usual bench mark for cruise ) I'm finding it hard to see that a drop of a couple of hundred revs to achieve cruise revs, then achieves that 75% power setting. russ
  4. only runs on "windows" system..........i've asked them re ipads.........sorry
  5. query.......mini ipad without sim card........do i download ozrunway to my mac pewtar, then copy it across to the mini ??? 2ndly.........can i copy "Basecamp"...garman......waypoints from my mac to the ipad as well..... if there is a better way please enlighten.........
  6. we recently came back from an overseas trip, one large city we strolled about was just a mass of moving folks all heading ???, every 2nd one was texting etc as they walked, lucy and i were weaving ducking to avoid collisions, we pulled up at a cafe to have a coffee etc, we watched this moving mass.....they avoided collisions by magic, it was amazing.
  7. aquaintance tells me to venture asia way aircraft must be GA reg, and pilot PPL at minimum......???????
  8. thanks guys, keep it coming..........the "plan" is NQ.....Darwin......Timor.....Indo, then up that coastline....then shoot across to Davao ( southern phillapines )......then return NQ. Seeking a company that can get all the required permits etc for me as well.
  9. question.......total fuel in tanks around 135L....Ok......if one tank was fully topped, other tank was only 60% filled, will both tanks equalize during flite. eg.....65L into 1 tank, 35L into other tank, that's 100L total in tanks, will i get 100L duration inflite. Reason for asking.....planning a possible EXTENDED flite...lot's of ocean, so i want to carry extra fuel and transfer into 1 tank inflite. ( jab160 ) Was also thinking maybe i could plumb my "extra fuel" into the existing fuel delivery hose from the header tank in cabin that goes to engine. Any comments appreciated.
  10. well well well..........grapevine just told me, the corridors of casa are taking note of "electronics" ( Ipads and the like ) seems possible changes are in the wind......let's see. personally, i enjoy the old method. ( the old BP / Shell roadmaps got me to many a place ) smirk smirk>>>>>>>>
  11. Ok......x country endorsement requires understanding and proof of expertise before CFI signs you off.....fair enough. My "now thinkings" 2013........most, if not all pilots, have fallen in love with that little black thing called a GPS........to add more cream to this pie, we are going gar gar with ipads and oz runways. Never has it been so good. So..........the old tried and proven method ( maps/protractor etc etc).........is that now a thing of the past, infact no longer a prequisite to x country endorsement ??? Or is it GOING to be shelved..??????.......or not.
  12. Available in this site there is a thread (somewhere) that has some great info re remote fuelling etc etc.............question, how does one bulk load them into GPS memory, i've tried.............no luck. Same goes for a swag of points i have in my "google earth"............would like to transfer them into my GPS..........in bulk. thanks............russ
  13. Russ

    160 or 170 jab

    160 it is then...........getting the Ok to fly me gyro about phillipines was becoming a right head *****, so i looked into permission for a factory built/certified craft.....hence a jab.....this they've Ok'd. With lot's of homework this last mth or 2, and info via here as well, i'm more than comfortable now re jab 160 and the "engine".....even looked into a 912 installation, which was to be a definate possibility. ( absolutely doable, and "certified " ) Have been convinced the 4 cyl jab, reworked a tad, and run on mogas with upper cyl lube at all times is a reliable/honest engine.......CFI this way is getting big hrs on his jab, has caused no grief whatsoever.....it just keeps humming. Now.............any info re island hopping to phillipines ( customs requirements, etc etc )...........ANY info at all i would be grateful.
  14. Russ

    160 or 170 jab

    Just to add a bit more to the mix here.........."water cooled" heads............pro's and con's...
  15. Was about to log out..saw this above..........the military grade ones are good ( chap that makes them, was employed by the turtle pac folks.......then he went out on his own ) hope this helps......
  16. the "liquid containment" folks use military grade materials ( not certified tho )........."Turtle pac" folks, are "GA" certified......3x $$$$
  17. Russ

    160 or 170 jab

    thanks guys.......this is a good read, keep it coming>>>>>>>>
  18. Used "bladders" for yrs.........this guy will make one to whatever size YOU want......they're good ( not certified tho )
  19. Russ

    160 or 170 jab

    Just tossing it out there guys......... How about jabs on mogas now, as "Ok'd" by jab
  20. Recent trip to NZ..........1st and 2nd pic.....we stayed/cruised about Milford sound fiordes 3rd.......we landed there, pilot left us with food water and radio.......we "tried" skiing, boarding etc for 5 hrs, then got picked up 4th......getting there. we spent about a month S.Is.............loved it
  21. Russ

    160 or 170 jab

    Ok........good read here further matters........the 4 cyl engine, mods..........replace valves and guides with different type/brand, cut end off muffler, remove some baffleing ( more free flow ), reweld up, revamp air flow into/out of engine compartment.... hanger goss is telling me that these mods do wundrous things to the engine ...........and use a different engine oil other than that jab recommended, ( one in particular to use, but changing to it, is not a matter of just pouring it into the engine )......which oil ???
  22. Russ

    160 or 170 jab

    which one and why.......... maybe "pros and cons" for each machine might be more betterer ( smirk )
  23. I installed a set of the "wireless" headsets, linked into my micro air..........this system was perfect. Will never go back to chords again.
  24. Still getting made...........i'm not so sure about that......maybe. Getting certified to LEGALLY fly in Oz............that's going to be a hard task for them, without MAJOR redesigning and engineering. Very doable if the will and funds permit. It's "the cabin shape" that draws folks in, it does look dead mean. These machines have since day one, struggled to get any runs on the board, re supply, hrs of flying, supplier backup,etc etc........not one out of the box machine has sucessfully flown, yet sales blurb keeps flowing out. Some yrs back, i approached them re buying one, they were keen as........then i indicated i had some gyro experience ( 20+ yrs ) and i was coming over to NZ to actually fly one before i parted with my money...........that's when they went dead quiet. Yea it's all smoke and mirrors stuff............beware. ( side note.......2 fatalities, 1 being their test pilot ) that i am aware of. And that's the only 2 machines that have actually got airborne into a circuit pattern scinareo.
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