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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Oye.......that's a bit harsh, for folks like me...
  2. Rang microair again today...STILL haven't looked at it. No techs, best response......hope to look at it a week....or 2. ( that'll make it near on 4 weeks now ) and that's not definite... Just for the hell of it.....I asked about a " loan" even offered to pay a fee....sorry russ, don't do loans. How about send it by courier to where ever your tech is......sorry mate can't do that either. Spoze I just add me name to the growing list of disgruntled microair users. Hats off to jabiru tho......they've come to the rescue for me.
  3. Hope the same over zealous folks report the upcoming drone infringements, can see "idiots" chasing inbounds at airports, can see all sorts of incidences. Can see payload carrying drone, REALLY causing a serious incident. Real serious. ( if you get my drift )
  4. Night flying, not endorsed,aircraft not equiped,rain,no moon. That's the conversation. If all true, then a crazy crazy decision. ( search now abandoned for pilot )
  5. It's ok SS......I and others reading frank here, ( well I am ) frank is saying ........if I booted in a """"""""""" then things will go pearshaped. So....I'm not going to venture there.
  6. Thanks guys, appreciating the posts here.
  7. Ok.....topic is headed in part " what can go wrong " Slow turn onto base ( let's say 45kts ) ...just under stall specs....turning tightish, when and what are the demons about to kick in.... Just asking.....
  8. Ok.....in me trusty 160, raise nose, wait wait wait, airspeed drops away away, and there I am, just sort of mushy mushy....and that's it. So.....when does the next reaction kick in.....wing drop / spin etc etc. Recovery......level wings...lower nose, ease on power. ( works for me ) this " spinning " thing was never included in my training ( in a jab ) So.....is " spinning " in a jab a non event ??
  9. Good Ol jab.......will give me a " lend" radio, free. That's customer service.
  10. Thanks Phil, I'll ring em today.
  11. Me bloody radio, ( microair) ...chaps at bundy still haven't had a chance to look at it, and I'm getting desperate, rang medellsons to source a new one, sorry pal we don't stock any more, too many returned for repairs... So........option is another brand, that has to fit same hole....bewdy, there is a German one "Funke"...around $2100. My question......any feedback re this radio....good/bad. Mendellsons can supply adaptor loom, to just plug in, makes it simple.
  12. Rowan..........heard recently that a proposal to enable ozrun and avplan to " speak" to each other , to alert flyers of traffic of both formats, was rejected, why so.....if indeed it's true.
  13. Check out " threebond " , jab guy uses at every 100hrly, for yrs.
  14. Took me a lot of ringing around, sort the chaff from the hay, you might end up Cessnock way. Forgot......ring a chap bundy way also. Both......a wealth of good info, plus others. There you go......I've cut down a lot of your workload.
  15. Noticed the other day a " commercial type" zero steer mower, was fitted with 6" tyres that were not reliant on air pressure, they were solid neumatic style, and nice hardish spongy. Might be worth following up.
  16. Neville....can recall yourself on several occasions recommending the use of 2 stroke oil ( added to fuels ) as benificial in " engines", you particularly made mention of best to use marine grade 2 stroke oil ( from memory....20ml / 20L fuel )....thereabouts. Perhaps I've got this wrong, so maybe I'll stand correcting. And yes.....no engine maker has control of their product once it's departed their shop, but sometimes......."field" mods actually improve the core product. Actually have a mail from petro chemist ( major oil co ) he recommends adding oil/ lube to our fuels, he does this to his own jab.
  17. Geez.....only do as jab says.....now where do I start here. Nar.........why bother...... Perhaps shoot a mail off to camit, telling them, " their mods" are unapproved by jab, therefore by your view....wrong. Then there's a growing number of folks modding their engines, with proven end results. Then there's one chap in particular ( lame) that almost has a cult following regarding HIS proven mods to jab engines. So....how am I going so far ??
  18. Yes avgas....hence moreys
  19. Well........received a "pm", an email, .....both guys report excellent results in their aero engines ( 1 jab) 3rd guy my way ( originally raised the topic to me ) uses similar product in his motors. .....Interesting..... One guy reported....when his pull throughs get soft ( 1 or more cyls ) he doses his engine exactly as per directions, and comps return to good. So just maybe.........there is informed results using legit product. I've been using moreys in my fuel for some time now, absolutely swear by it, internals are spotless, comps always good. ( jab say....don't use, go figure )
  20. Was just seeking feedback, not intending to use it.......unless someone says it's the ducks nuts.
  21. This stuff.......
  22. Thanks HIC.....radio is away at microair, once it's back, we're off. Will shoot pics to ewes. PNG, is tempting, rekin at 10k above horn Is, one could see the place..... Tempting...( island hop, and there's zillions of them, most with strips.)
  23. Knew of the pilot, cane farmer mareeba. Folks still searching.
  24. This " Molly" stuff......hearing it's good to clean out the engine ( carbon ) And carbon buildup in and around our valves is a source for problems, hence the topic.
  25. "licqui moly" ......sold repco and most other places. Lots of hype how easy,good it is. Any users here.....
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