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Everything posted by Russ

  1. O............them wonderful days, that "core group" of brilliant comical minds have departed this world........i was truly caught up in their skills.......RIP
  2. it's a "group hug / bonding " thing. All hoping they're not the first to be stripped for parts.
  3. maaate...........i live in the back woods here, and we got nun of dat ear...ere, ( here )..........so, please expand just a tad
  4. I would love to "shut" engine to idle, and glide/spiral...whatever, to a deadstick landing, but "shock cooling" scares the hell out of me, "readings" ( manuals etc ) alert to the danger of cooling too fast............so what's the go ???
  5. Experimental light aircraft assn Australia
  6. Ok.....battery fully charged, radio receives perfectly....transmissions are 1 out of 5, chaps in circuit all report same. This now situation is new, radio has performed ok for last yrs. Fellow flyer says....the intercom unit ( jab installed ) is most likely the cause ??? Ok....any ideas please guys. Have pulled radio out, sending to tech folks for checking.
  7. G,day there Don.......thanks for the latter reply, yes I was influenced by mails/ comments/feed backs. Hence forth here, I shall view the saga in a different light. I've been simmering away here, watching/reading etc, whilst holding "other" knowledge. Ok....let's move on.......again, thanks
  8. Don........i have, 2 mails ( poss 3 ) from ex board member, one was he was "pushing" that another jab had had an incidence near me, he told me it "spewed all its oil"..that incident was actually a camit engine...........but.....the oil cooler hosing was supplied by another source, owners source, it was chinese hosing, it split under pressure. When i corrected his "jab biased" statement, and alerted him to " the real cause" all went quiet. Same guy openly bashed jabs here (forum) and local strips, here there and everywhere. He HATED jabs. Same guy stated "the sooner jabs were grounded the better"..........this was a "board member"........so get that into ya. Now i wont forward the mails, but if your heading my way, you can read them....2nd mail, in part, alluded to "others" are also holding grave concerns re jabs. ( by "others" i considered RAA was his meaning ) Lastly........i was not inferencing in any way in my previous post ( Ross ) .......the "grave" word was not directed at him, i can now see, how you could "tie" it together. i opologise for that.
  9. they probably didn't want to prick your balloon.........
  10. i wona know who the snake/s were............i wona inflict misery on the barst*rd/s...........i wona drop a building block on their roof from 20k ft, i wona attend their funeral and tip 20 tonne concrete on their grave/s.............i just wona
  11. kaz, ol chum...........i've found all the contact details etc etc, for fuels you will need. avgas...........giles,warburton, and others.
  12. RAA are right in the mix here, from day one. To this point, they have been trying to recage the tiger that they helped unleash. The "data" they passed on, was poorly analysed, poorly set out, and one or 2 within RAA, were hell bent on causing pain. I would think, RAA, did not expect the severity of the casa action, and in the manner it was implimented. I've said it before......."out" those names, the ones cowering in the shadows, that ignited this matter.
  13. Agreed......ordering a new battery today.
  14. Well then....should the battery hold a good charge for 6...8 weeks, or my now situation indicate battery has indeed reached its use by date ?? ( engine was noticeably sluggish on startup ) Side note here........was at a rural farming expo last yr, one exhibitor was expousing his " battery rejuvenating additive" .....in essence, it cleaned/ removed buildup on the plates etc etc, his presentation was well attended.
  15. Ok...I've plugged in the 240v charger, let's give it 48hrs and see what the radio then does. ( oddessy is 7 yrs old, might be time to change it also ) lets see.
  16. it's been a mth or 2 , me trusty jab has been hangered. ( regularly hand turned ) The other day found time to blow out the cob webs, she just started.....battery low, anyway...I'm receiving perfectly, but several guys were reporting my transmissions were unreadable. So........what's going on, .....radio tech guy, or was just low battery.
  17. Am hearing the redrive belt broke. ( one lucky dude )
  18. Alternative to RAA......????? ( goss says "things" are happining behind the scene )...........and, good things.
  19. " experimental light aircraft assn australia"...........a "new" body ??????, i'm hearing hanger goss, so what's the go...??????
  20. sorry bruce.........there must be more to this story than this..... person denied script meds, and in this case, could've lead to SERIOUS consequences....medically.
  21. Docker river have drum avgas, ask nice, and you might get 50...60 litres. ( ring 1st, and get the Ok ) Another method........ring Alice springs fuel company, that delivers fuel in bulk to all sorts of places that way, they will deliver 60L x ??? drums to one of their customers, that you have pre organised. Another method......ring the Perth Co, that delivers way east from perth..........same pre organising needed. ( perth and alice sort of meet half way ) ....Somewhere ??? i've got all the details you need........i'll try to locate it. "Opal" unleaded..........always available at most places, but some folks report bad experiences using it. True / false........don't know.
  22. i've got a 500 for sale........complete.
  23. 500+hrs...........purrs like a cat. ( and that's 400hrs tiger country ) But...............will drop in a Camit, as soon as legal.
  24. yea, thanks mate.......i'll go the clamp method.
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